Sontar: Recap
New Leader
Attacked by sontarans
Get Beaten
Leader Helpless
"Your Hostaging is Futile!" Shouted the Supreme Dalek, "I am Dalek Sumpreme! I can Destroy you!" The Supreme Finished, and its Head Peice Was Raised, The Daleks Front Laser pulled back, and levitated, "The Green Daleks have the weapons of the Special Weapons, we can create emergancy lasers!" The Supreme shouted, and a pod for the Gun Rose, "Exterminate!" He Finished, and a laser fired, it blasted the controls, and Sontarans Screamed, some died, the gun spun, and hit the leader, who fell back. "Abort! Pull Back!" Shouted a Sontaran, "Cowards!" Shouted the Dalek.
Sontarans Fleed the Station, more dalek ships arrived, the Guns rose, and began shooting, but lasers started to fire from the daleks, killing big Chunks, The Sontaran General ran out, "Fire!" He shouted, and 10 sontarans on all sides of the base, fired, the blasts burnt the walls, down, then burnt into the main building structure, burning it. Inside, Dalek Supremes lid fell back down, his top raised, and his base broke into segments, and built themselfs into Spider like Legs, The Top of the Dalek Spun, and Turned into a Robotic Spider like head, and a small stick came out the front.
"Eliminate the Daleks!" A General sontaran shouted, before being exterminated, "Or you will be eliminated!" The Dalek Shouted. Sontaran Guns shot the Dalek, it exploded, but then a Dalek Flagship lowered itself, thousands of daleks flew out, quickly shooting down sontarans, The General who burnt down the base then grabbed a special ops sontaran, "Detonate the main base!" He shouted, and the base blew up, but the Supreme Dalek Remained there, in its spider Form. "You, Will, Be, Exterminated!" Shouted Spider Dalek Supreme, and a laser blasted from the front, the Sontaran fell back. A Sontaran Blaster hit the Supreme, it spun around, and changed back. It was Damaged, and it teleported into the mother ship.
Sontaran Controller (As in he controlled all sontarans) Was pushed into a dalek cell, "Daleks, What are you doing!" He shouted, and a Black Dalek Glided in, "Do not talk, or you will be exterminated, You will hand over the planet, or you will die and lose the Rutan War!" The Black Dalek Shouted, "I do not fear death! Thats our 10th rule, dont be afraid!" The Controller shouted, and electric bolts burnt through him. "Sontar Ha!" The Controller roared, and kicked the glass on the cell, it collapsed, "You will be destroyed, and you will become slaves of sontar!" The Controller roared, "I am Kainx, leader of the Sontaran armys, Kainx, the Doombringer!"
5 daleks dragged the supreme dalek into a small chamber, and put there plungers on him, pulling the peices off, The screaming supreme was levitated by a force feild, as a new shell was built around him, minutes later, he stopped, rebuilt. "Send in the Spider Daleks!" He shouted. A Dalek ship landed, and a door swung open, spider daleks run out, "Activate the Alpha Bomb!" The supreme roared, the walls began exploding, the dalek cell door blasted down, five sontarans, Kainx, and 4 more, walked in, The spider dalek supreme leapt, he trapped Kainx in his legs, then stabbed kainxes vent in his neck, kainx fell back, injured. The 5 special weapons daleks rolled in and shot the sontarans. "Send them out! call in the troops!" The supreme roared.
The Daleks teleported back to the base, exterminating the sontarans. 5 special weapons rolled out and shot dead the remaining sontarans. "Activate the bomb!" one of them ordered. Another spun and turned into a spider dalek, he used 2 front legs to carry a bomb 50 meters from the ship, then teleported back. The rest followed him back onboard. The ship rose, and the supreme glided onto his control deck.
"Activate the Bomb!" The Supreme roared, spikes exploded from the bomb, "activate ignition!" the supreme continued, the spikes then turned into flames, "Detonate!" The supreme roared, the spikes spun into the bomb, and they sent a exploding particle into Sontars core, "Detonate Ignition!" The supreme finished, the particle exploded, it sent the planet into a exploding ball of gas, then it froze down, and turned to rubble.

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Thursday, 9 October 2008
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