Here is post 50! more known as post 43 but there is 2 unpublished 2 deleted and 3 as prizes for sending me a fic.
The Cybercaptain shot at link, link fell and dodged, then leapt and shoved a sword in the cybercaptains exhaust panel. The cybercaptain fell and choked, "Mechaleader, I need your help." Link asked, A cyberman rose his gun and destroyed mechaleader, "Mechasecon..." link started, the cyberman chucked a grenade into the mechanoids, they exploded. "Cybermen, I need your help. We need to get into the mechanoid tanks." Link finaly said.
Nev pressed his watch and it made a laser blast a door, "Blank Tanks Mr Link!" Nev shouted, "Take the lids off and get inside!" Link shouted, "No way you human. You will be upgraded!" a cyberman said, "Im hyrulian..." Link muttered, "Then you will be terminated!" The cybermen said, then started shooting link, link leapt into a mechatank and began burning down the cybermen.
A Cyberman grabbed Nev, and threw him against the wall, "This bear will be terminated!" The new cybercaptain commanded, and shot Nev, Nev turned into dust. Then the ceiling exploded, and Plo Koon fell down, and whipped out a new green lightsaber, "Stinkin cybermen!" Plo muttered, and spun his lightsaber and lead it through 3 Cybernecks, he blocked a few more lasers before being hit in the chest by a cybercannon, he flew backwards, and smashed into the wall, burning, "Tell mace... I said... I..." Plo muttered, Then Kit Fisto and Boba Fett fell through the Roof, "Destroy the Hyrulian!" Kit ordered, Boba spun on his jetpack and blasted links mechanoid.
On Hyrule; "Where are they. We need his army now to fight Kanagork!" one of Links old best mates muttered.
On Mechanus: The Cybermen Reinforcements landed; Outside, Boba and Plo drove there mechanoids onto a large empty platform with no buildings on it, then pulled off the roofs, and replaced them with cannons, "Attack them!" The cyberleader commanded, leading some cybertanks onto the platform, the Cybercaptains surviving troops of the 25 sent down ran on the platform. "Call for the Clones!" Kit ordered to Boba, "I did!" Boba replied, then Mace Windu and 5 Republic gunships of Clone commandos landed, they leapt out, all armed, and began shooting, mace windu flipped out his lightsaber, before being blasted in the face by the Cyberleader a second later. On the forest above the platforms, a cyberman chopped down the stick holding up The Jedi side, then ran, the platform fell. The Cyberman climbed onto the platform, and blew up kit fisto. "Set up conversion chambers in the main control room. Convert the Cloned species!" The cyberleader ordered. "We have a Alpha Bomb. We can destroy all clone forms." The Cybercaptain said, "We use it later." The Cyperleader said, "Take your survivors to set up conversion!"
A day later, the battle had continued and the troops continued fighting, the Clones decided to attack the heavily guarded conversion chamber. "Send in Alpha Squad to protect, Omega Squad will defend!" The Cyberleader ordered, AlphaCybercaptain lead in his troops to defend. The Few clones still left outside and the omega squad continued war. Then a orange clone starfighter landed, Commander Cody and Darth Vader climbed out. "Captain, we brought the death star!" Vader said to a clone captain.
on the cyber ship; The 50 converted to cybermen clones who had been teleported on board, ran to the cannons, they began shooting at the death star. The Cyberleader and Cybercaptains teleported onboard, "Alpha Captain, take Your Troops and Captains troops and stay on land, Omega Captain, Take your troops into the death star. I and Captain will stay here with my troops and turret you. Go!" The Cyberleader commanded. The Cyber Omega Captain pressed his communications device, "Omega troops teleport to the death star!" he muttered.
On the Death star; The Omega Captain teleported on board, and pulled out his gun, His omega troops quickly landed onboard then Entered battle with the StormClone Troops. Omega blasted down a door, then Commander Cody and the same amount of troops behind him as Omega (27 each) was behind it. They Entered Battle.
On Mechanus; The cyberleader landed. "Alpha leader, how many left to convert?" The Cyberleader asked, "about 7, we converted 179, the rest are up there!" Alpha replied, "Alpha Bomb This place!" The Cyberleader commanded.
Later, The Alpha Troops Teleported onto the death star, and set up teleport mines on doors, to teleport people who passed into a room for the conversions. The Teleports also had triggers to make cybermen go 2 doors along.
Back at The Cody V Omega Fight; 5 Cybermen and 7 Clones were dead, Omega and Cody were still gunning each other, then there was a miniture bang in the middle of the room, seconds later there was a green flash and everyone got thrown away from the bang, Omega (The Doctor Who one) appeared in the middle, "You will destroy the universe if you keep doing this! then there wont be any point in having anti matter universe and matter universe if it is only antimatter, then it will just be universe, like yours, so i die!" Omega boomed, Cody then shot omega in the head, then his head burst into regenerational flame, before he exploded in a pin miniture explosion, then a sonic shock wave shook the universe, damaging everything, and continued for years.
Commander Alpha had been fighting near a Airlock, but the shockwave had exploded it, the clones had been sucked out, alpha had grabbed a handlebar, then the Watcher (From Logopolis) Faded in and grabbed the door, and pulled it shut. Alpha Ran,
"I have enslaved the watcher for you... Alpha..... I had him save your life, now you must betray your troops... or you will be enslaved by darkeness!" A voice hissed, A silver box faded into view infront of alpha, Alpha grabbed it, a S shape on it glowed purple, "What..." Alpha muttered, before fading into whiteness, he threw the box.
He woke up on the floor of a white area, the area was full of white, he looked up, The Trickster was stood meters away from him. "What are you?" Alpha asked, "I am the Trickste-er!" The trickster laughed, "I created a paradox to make link need your forces... now it has left the explosion of antimatter to destroy you..." The trickster said, "Why do you need me?" The cyberman said, "You will join back up with the cybermen, and die struggling, or become my slave, your spirit in my old Slave, a graskes, body!" The trickster laughed, "I am cyberman! I will regroup!" Alpha said, "Excelle-ent..." The Trickster muttered. Alpha faded back into the death star.
On the Cyber command ship; Alpha Teleported in. "Leader, There is a plot by the trickster to destroy the universe and us. He is opposing our lead!" Alpha said, handing Cyberleader the Cube, "The Tricksters Brigade! Excel-lent!" The Cyberleader laughed.
Back at the Cody/Omega fight; Cody smacked Omegas Exhaust chamber, omega fell back, and grabbed a nearby clone blaster, and fired into codys head, Codys helmet flew off, Then cody fell back, with a large scar on his face, burning, then, 5 graske appeared (Un affected by the trickster) and a leader fired at Omega, Cody collapsed and died, a graske kicked him. Then, the Trickster faded in, "NOO..." he screamed, Alpha teleported in with the Cyberleader and Cybercaptain, then grabbed a graskes gun, and fired. The Oidz like chains hit the trickster in the chest, "We are the No Graske abuse patrol, Cyberleader called us." A graske said, "You have been arrested for: Enslaving graske, and killing them when they escape, and using them for your own abuse." The leader graske muttered. "I will take you from the time strea-ms..." The trickster laughed, and clicked his fingers, The Leader graske began to fade and leapt onto the trickster, then shot the trickster. The trickster fell back dying, The graske leader grabbed a bar, so he could hold onto the real world, "noo..." Graske leader muttered, before being sucked into the gateway galaxy.
Minutes later, the fighting continued aswell as the shaking, the clones had all been imprisoned in the Mechanus base and were going to be converted, until Alpha accidently pressed the onswitch of the Alpha bomb. Spikes flew out the alpha bomb, then they began to burn, before flying back into the bomb, and a exploding gas particle flew into the planet center, "If it explodes alpha! i will kill you, it will trigger the end of the world!" a random old wise cyberman shouted at alpha, the old man then died, and his head fell into his cornflakes.
Minutes later, the planet exploded, the antimatter shook the world so much it shattered, then turned into another anti/matter gateway galazy safe for Omega (Bad guy) and Omega (Cyber) but was just a plain white floor in a large infinite white land, full of mist. Omega then staggered in, "Im safe... after we began merging... Woo!" then began dancing. a mile away The trickster staggered in, "My plan worked! I have my own anti matter gateway universe so i can pass imbetween! but i just destroyed the matter universe... But Omegas here... I rule my own universe... Woo!" Then he looked round, "It looks like the trickster universe.. I have 2 of my own identicle universes! Woo!" he finished, then heard omegas I-pod, (which was on full volume) "Omega!" Trickster roared, then ran towards the sound. He soon met Omega, "is this mine or yours trickster!? YOU FOOL!" Omega shouted, "We can form a army..." the trickster wimpered, then Mr Pretzel faded in, "Its mine, i created time and space, and this is a no time and space universe, and because the explosion cause a slight teleport, it was mine anyway, so get lost, your universe is that way!" Mr pretzel shouted, and pointed to the left.
A week later the Anti matter explosion killed everyone, the trickster wun but was dead, the end.
Moral: Dont Mess with Graske, Cybermen, the Trickster, Omega or Mechanoids.
Moral #2 CloneStorms are idiots and kill them.
Moral #3 Omega, Graske, The Trickster and Mechanoids are the best ever bad guys!

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Even though it says we are on 42 posts, and i say its 49, it is because there is actually 49. Some of them are hidden bonuses. if you submit you get one of them. and a prize.
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