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Thursday, 28 August 2008

Dalekkid19092's Clone Wars Spin off: Order 66

Scene 1: Ship
Thire is with some new troops, with his memories put back into his head, he is with a jedi master, Claro Tewar, who is pulling on a space helmet, since he cannot survive in starfighter conditions, he is a gungan.

Claro: Hey, Mesa ready for battle thiresa.

Thire: Ok, im setting my troops to prepare, You can Head off

Claro jumps into his ship, a white and red modified ep 3. He flies out the hangar,

Scene 2: Space

The modified is flying threw space, shooting at the seperatist base and he sends a torpedo at the bridge, it hits,

Claro: Bullseye!

he shoots into the hangar sheildtransmitter, then topedoes into the hangar, blowing it, up, then his engines burst up, fire from behind, he looks, freindly, fire, then it hits again, his engines stop, and he begins to plummet down, and finaly lands on a moon. He climbs out, and ignites his lightsaber, clone and droid forces are racing to the moon, he screams, and a torpedo hits him, blowing the moon up.

Scene 3: Another planet, middle off a battle feild

A selkath jedi master is chopping down droids with his double edged green lighsaber, then a clone blast hits him, he turns round, the commander fires at him, knocking the lighsaber back, and it slices his arm off, then he closes his eyes. A bith jedi master watches in horror and runs to his starfighter, He flies off.

Scene 4: Kashyyk

Jedi master luminara is with commander gree and a wookie, then a Clone scout runs up to him, and nods, they pull out guns, and fire at the wookie, the wookie falls down dead, and luminara strikes at the scout, who falls down with his head chopped in half, and Commander gree shoots again and Luminara drops here lightsaber, and falls off the dome she is in. Gree walks through to another dome, and nods at a scout, they approach yoda, who jumps up and spins, theyre heads fall down, then the bodies. Yoda runs off.

Subtitle: 5 years later

A small group of wookies are huddled round a fire, and in the background show everything burnt down, Then, A Early version of a imperial shuttle lands, A group of clones climb out and fire at the wookies, The wookies shoot back and one roars, and grabs the Storms, and jumps, and kicks the leader in the face, he is dragged off by a commander clone, and is thrown into the shuttle, The storm clones shoot down the remaining wookies, the ship begins to fly, but then spins round into a tree, exploding, A wookie jumps out, followed by some imperials, and they fight, until the wookie is stunned, and is dragged in.

Scene 6: Ma'ar Shaddam

A Jedi Starfighter lands next to a workshop, an armoury, with Mandalorian type armour, A Bith Jedi gets out the starfighter, the same one as before, but scarred, and his ship burnt. He walks up to them, and points at a Armour similar to a clones, but modified,

Bith: (Huttese)
Che copah? (English) Price?
Merchant: (Huttese) Goba Jujumon So Ahh (English) 157 Credits.
Bith: (Huttese) An Dyst? (Human) And Ship?
Merchant: (Huttese) Bo Donocha So Ahh! (human) 224 Credits.
Bith: (huttese) Poodoo! (En) -censored-

Bith reaches for his lightsaber, and switches it on

Bith: (HTS) La pim nallya so bata de wompa, Mikiyuna! Pasta mo rulya! Do bata gee mwaa tusawa! (EN) I will get back to you on that one, hands off your weapons and back up against the bar!
Merchant: (Hts) Kava doompa Jeedi stoopa! (en) Youre a Jedi Fool!

The bith uses the force to throw his starfighter at the workshop, and it sets it alight, The Merchants are backed against the wall, and the fire sets them alight, he lifts his hand infront of the merchants face, and the merchant, falls back, and rushes inside, coming out with some armour, and points at a starfighter, Davaab Type, mandalorian, The bith nods,

Merchant: (HTS) Yuna Puna! (EN) First Class!

The bith nods again and begins to shake hands with the Merchant, and then ignites his lightsaber again, and puts it in the merchants neck, the merchant falls, the bith nods again, and opens the box, The helmet was similar to a early Swamp troopers helmet, and the armour was mandalorian, and it had a Modified Kashyyyk Stalker, and a Dc-19 twin blaster, He pulled on the helmet, then climbed into the mandalorian armour, He shot at the ground, it made a explosion good enough to collapse a small building. He put the helmet on his dash board on his ship, and flew up. Suddenly a laser hit the ship. He spun, 2 early versions of the Modified ties for the Emporers guards, he checked his hyperdrive, it had been hit, he hit the dashboard, and loop-de-looped, and the homing missiles missed, and he flew in a loop round the ties, but he was hit by the missiles, and it hit the cockpit, he was knocked out, and flew away, fought dead by the ties.

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