SPECIAL EPISODE! (Aka the 30th post un-canon random special)
The Three ships were riding away from the observatory, when a voice blasted onto the coms, It was Simon, Toad (writer) and Hitbob. "I know you are meant to be on a Giant adventure, but the site is on 30 posts, You need to go and see mario, then do a special episode!" Toad said. The toad who was in the brigade replied. "Ok." and the ships turned round. On the Observatory, Plo Koon, Mace Windu, The Torchwood Gang, Some Graske, a bunch of lumas, some bees, Count dooku and the cast from all of BFFFB Ran to the center, The grand star left the yellow orb. Then The Twi'lek bounty hunter appeared, who had survived from Mon Calimari, and pulled out a gun. "You are under arreft from the Party orginisation for not inviting me!" She shouted, and the people who were there to party screamed, and ran to the emergancy room, but The toads stayed. "This is a random special un-canonical special episode" Blue said, and took off his glasses, then pressed a button, on them, they turned into a gun, Toadsworth pulled a gun from his cane, and the others pulled out phasers from the bee galaxy.
The Twi'lek laughed, and shot at Toadsworth, "I revived the bomber toads, for a special comeback as my revenge!" The Twi'lek laughed, and a Bee ship landed, the Brigade turned round, and the toad bombers walked out, only 5 of them left from the bomb. They ran up and grabbed Brigade members, then a graske came from around the corner, and shot at the bombers, then the bounty hunter, who fell, and landed on a moon. Bowser was there, "You! the idiot who crossed over into our galaxy, how come you came!" He boomed, "The 30th post party..." She replied, then bowser screamed, and pulled on a jet pack, and flew to the observatory. On the observatory, Toad (charactor) shoots at the graske, pushes it off the edge, and pulls out its gun, fires into the air, and the people celebrating appeared, but then bowser landed, and the people ran back to the emergancy dome, The Toads screamed, and shot at bowser, slowly killing him. Toad jumped onto his back, and pulled back, pulling them both of the observatory, pulling them into a black hole. Then toad jetpacked back, and ran back to the emergancy room, and called the BFFFB cast back out, Then they all started saying bye, but then Toad (writer) landed, did a dance, and shot the BFFFB cast dead, apart from the Mario charactors, and flew off.
The Brigade, walked up to there ships, and flew back into the galaxies.
Here is a sypnosis of the real part 2.
Bowser Jr has been saved, and goes to the brigade for revenge for the malcfunction, With Megaleg mark 2, and this time, he has decided to go for the kill, and destroy all 1-ups on the planet, but first he is destroying Mushroom World, and the Toad Brigade are determined to save their planet, and destroy megalegs, but keep a supply off 1-ups in their pockets.
The Twi'lek laughed, and shot at Toadsworth, "I revived the bomber toads, for a special comeback as my revenge!" The Twi'lek laughed, and a Bee ship landed, the Brigade turned round, and the toad bombers walked out, only 5 of them left from the bomb. They ran up and grabbed Brigade members, then a graske came from around the corner, and shot at the bombers, then the bounty hunter, who fell, and landed on a moon. Bowser was there, "You! the idiot who crossed over into our galaxy, how come you came!" He boomed, "The 30th post party..." She replied, then bowser screamed, and pulled on a jet pack, and flew to the observatory. On the observatory, Toad (charactor) shoots at the graske, pushes it off the edge, and pulls out its gun, fires into the air, and the people celebrating appeared, but then bowser landed, and the people ran back to the emergancy dome, The Toads screamed, and shot at bowser, slowly killing him. Toad jumped onto his back, and pulled back, pulling them both of the observatory, pulling them into a black hole. Then toad jetpacked back, and ran back to the emergancy room, and called the BFFFB cast back out, Then they all started saying bye, but then Toad (writer) landed, did a dance, and shot the BFFFB cast dead, apart from the Mario charactors, and flew off.
The Brigade, walked up to there ships, and flew back into the galaxies.
Here is a sypnosis of the real part 2.
Bowser Jr has been saved, and goes to the brigade for revenge for the malcfunction, With Megaleg mark 2, and this time, he has decided to go for the kill, and destroy all 1-ups on the planet, but first he is destroying Mushroom World, and the Toad Brigade are determined to save their planet, and destroy megalegs, but keep a supply off 1-ups in their pockets.
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