The heavily damaged dalek ships shot down the remaining Raxel, and the Black Daleks flew back to the ship. One of the Black daleks levitated to where the Supreme Green and Red Dalek was, and opened up his casing. Two Daleks with modified plungers pulled off the Guns, and Placed a Imperial Special Weapon Daleks Gun in its place, and it closed. A Crane like hand pulled off its head, and lowered down a similar Green Dalek Head. The black dalek had been promoted.
The Dalek Fleet entered warp drive, and daleks flew around the broken parts of it, mending it from the damage it took from Raxem. The Promoted Black dalek was in the control room, with a modified spray paint dalek recoloring him to match the dead leader. Then, the engines stopped, "Commander! The Engines have been hit! We are recieving a signal!" A black dalek shouted, then a projected image appeared on the screen, a helmeted warrior, "You are a sontaran?" The Supreme asked, "Get out of the sontar system!" The Sontaran commanded. "I am sontaran commander Dorrn, I am protecting this planet. We must not let you past!" It finished, "Lock his signal!" The supreme shouted, "Wha..." The commander said, "Fire!" The supreme shouted, and there was an explosion on the screen, and the transmission ended, "Go to there planet! Weaken there defenses!" The supreme ordered, and tons of missiles were sent out, shooting at the ships guarding the planet, and they flew down to the surface.
Sontarans were standing in a line, shooting at targets, and looked up, there was a boom, and they heard the space ship enter the atmosphere, and as the ship landed, daleks flew out of it, the sontarans fired at them, and missed the daleks. The Daleks Landed, The 9 remaining black daleks hovering above the army. The daleks fired at sontarans, but the blasts reflected off the armor, then a sontaran hit a daleks shaft under the head peice, its lights fllicked off, and a squeal came from inside, sounding like "There Jamming our Curcuits!" Two black daleks hit down the sontaran, aiming at the neck peice and fired at the same time, sending bolts threw the probic vent and killing it. More Daleks used this tactic and took some more down, but the sontarans were disabling them.
There was a bang, another bunch of ships entering the atmosphere, sontaran star fighters began to fire at them, but got shot down seconds later. A laser hit a dalek ship, and it exploded, then another one was hit. The Daleks moved back quickly, and the ship chased the lasers to find the cannon. A Dalek ship shot the cannon, and then another cannon appeared, firing down more dalek ships.
Some Sontarans ran onto the dalek mother ship, which arrived first, and grabbed the supreme dalek, and one put a knife in the shaft under the headpiece, the supremes lights turned off and it had electric bolts sent threw it, it got deactivated. The Sontarans placed a disk on it, then they teleported with it to the sontaran base.
The Sontarans had got onto the ship, and placed a bomb on it, and ran. It Exploded, More Daleks were deactivated, and the sontarans began to Win. The Daleks all began teleporting. 4 remaining black daleks had ordered them to go to the base and send out a message to stop shooting, so they could destroy the sontarans, and make them join forces. The Sontaran with the Supreme landed, and pulled out the knife. "We will hold you hostage to force the troops to leave to get you back, but then we will kill you! Activate Bombs!" A commander sontaran shouted. "We have mined the corridors, and have blown up your remaining fleet! You are helpless!" Another sontaran said.
To Be Continued

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