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Even though it says we are on 42 posts, and i say its 49, it is because there is actually 49. Some of them are hidden bonuses. if you submit you get one of them. and a prize.


In 5 months, we have only had 3 authors, and 2 who i invited, so we are still hireing, you get a free 'Ive submitted' badge for your website, and added to my BFFB Awards, (Closing Date 1st of Jan), so for more information on how to submit, and win the BFFB Awards and get the prize and get the submitted badge (and a animated one if its for the awards) please look under the archives at the side. Thank you.

PS; Even if you think everyone else will do it so it wont matter if you do, what if they dont?!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Puppet Power! By Zippy Nev Brush

This is Zippy Nev Brushes new series of scripts called puppet power, and He Said the Series is mainly for under 10s, starring: Basil Brush, Nev the Bear, Crazy Keith, Dunceton, Oucho, and Duncetons Badger armys. For the People who dont Watch Cbbc here is the basics bout the charactors:

  • Nev: A Blue bear
  • Basil Brush: A Funny Fox, with evil cousin called Mortimer
  • Crazy Keith: One of Nevs Freinds
  • Dunceton: Talking Brain/King of the Badgers (apparently)
  • Oucho: Talking Cactus
  • Badgers: A type of well known animal.
  • The Foxes: Mortimer, Bingo, Bungo and Roxy
Scroll Down to find the First Episode, This is The Episode List:

  1. The Badger Beggining (Parody of A series of unfortunate events; The Bad beggining)
  2. FoxWood: End Of May (P1) (End of Days Parody)
  3. FoxWood: Ha-Ha Boom-Boom! (P2) (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Parody)
  4. Alex Badger: Ark Badger (Parody of Alex Rider Ark Angel)
  5. Alex Badger: FoxHead (Parody of Alex Rider Snakehead)
  6. Farting of The Ways (Parody of Doctor Who Parting of the Ways)

The Badger Beggining

Scene 1: House

Oucho is sitting on a windowsill, and is asleep, then the pot falls, and smashes into the fireplace, and accidently starts a fire, which begins to spread around the room quickly, He Wakes up.

Oucho: Great....

He rolls till he gets to a box, which he opens, and pulls out a tiny mobile

Oucho: Help!

His parents roll down the stairs, and begin to Burn,

Oucho: Help! My Parents are on fire!

The parents fall to ash, and the room fully ignites, but then the window smashes, and smoke fills the room. The Second it clears,the blaze stopped,
and some badgers appeared.

Badger: We stopped your fire! We need money for this! Or we will take you to the Base!

Oucho screams, and drops a match, but a badger stomps on it, and drags oucho off.

Scene 2: Beach
The Badgers drag him onto the beach, and push him onto the peir, and he runs to the end.

Voice (oov): Halt!

There is a blast of smoke, the badgers fall off the Pier and drown, and Nev walks up to Oucho,

Nev: I am Captain Nev! We need to stop Count Dunceton with Puppet Power!

Oucho: What?

Basil: Nev?! This is Fox Woods Operation!

Nev: Uh-Oh....

Then a laser blasts down on him, Nev flys up quickly, and Some Foxes Walk up.

Crazy Keith Jumps onto the Pier from the Edge

Keith: Hello Cactus dude! Hello Basil?

Bingo: Basil! I have a plan! Oucho? Wanna see my pictures of pottatos?

Oucho: No!

Bungo: Try One!

Oucho Grabs a potato, and faints.

Roxy: Why did you do that?

Keith: What about me?

Basil: erm... Ill use my Bomb!

Keith: Which Bomb?

Basil: Boom! Boom!

Bingo: That wasnt funny Basil!

Basil: Have you noticed the badgers who have appeared around us yet?

The Badgers Surround them, while tons more climb onto the pier and run to the city, fireing guns, the buildings collapse, people being crushed, and guns killing the survivors, explosions fill the ruins, and knock down more buildings. FoxWood gasp, then a badger shoots Basil,

Roxy: Baseel!

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