Notice Board
In 5 months, we have only had 3 authors, and 2 who i invited, so we are still hireing, you get a free 'Ive submitted' badge for your website, and added to my BFFB Awards, (Closing Date 1st of Jan), so for more information on how to submit, and win the BFFB Awards and get the prize and get the submitted badge (and a animated one if its for the awards) please look under the archives at the side. Thank you.
PS; Even if you think everyone else will do it so it wont matter if you do, what if they dont?!
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Nev and Links Adventures Special: Starring Cybermen and Mechanoids!
The Cybercaptain shot at link, link fell and dodged, then leapt and shoved a sword in the cybercaptains exhaust panel. The cybercaptain fell and choked, "Mechaleader, I need your help." Link asked, A cyberman rose his gun and destroyed mechaleader, "Mechasecon..." link started, the cyberman chucked a grenade into the mechanoids, they exploded. "Cybermen, I need your help. We need to get into the mechanoid tanks." Link finaly said.
Nev pressed his watch and it made a laser blast a door, "Blank Tanks Mr Link!" Nev shouted, "Take the lids off and get inside!" Link shouted, "No way you human. You will be upgraded!" a cyberman said, "Im hyrulian..." Link muttered, "Then you will be terminated!" The cybermen said, then started shooting link, link leapt into a mechatank and began burning down the cybermen.
A Cyberman grabbed Nev, and threw him against the wall, "This bear will be terminated!" The new cybercaptain commanded, and shot Nev, Nev turned into dust. Then the ceiling exploded, and Plo Koon fell down, and whipped out a new green lightsaber, "Stinkin cybermen!" Plo muttered, and spun his lightsaber and lead it through 3 Cybernecks, he blocked a few more lasers before being hit in the chest by a cybercannon, he flew backwards, and smashed into the wall, burning, "Tell mace... I said... I..." Plo muttered, Then Kit Fisto and Boba Fett fell through the Roof, "Destroy the Hyrulian!" Kit ordered, Boba spun on his jetpack and blasted links mechanoid.
On Hyrule; "Where are they. We need his army now to fight Kanagork!" one of Links old best mates muttered.
On Mechanus: The Cybermen Reinforcements landed; Outside, Boba and Plo drove there mechanoids onto a large empty platform with no buildings on it, then pulled off the roofs, and replaced them with cannons, "Attack them!" The cyberleader commanded, leading some cybertanks onto the platform, the Cybercaptains surviving troops of the 25 sent down ran on the platform. "Call for the Clones!" Kit ordered to Boba, "I did!" Boba replied, then Mace Windu and 5 Republic gunships of Clone commandos landed, they leapt out, all armed, and began shooting, mace windu flipped out his lightsaber, before being blasted in the face by the Cyberleader a second later. On the forest above the platforms, a cyberman chopped down the stick holding up The Jedi side, then ran, the platform fell. The Cyberman climbed onto the platform, and blew up kit fisto. "Set up conversion chambers in the main control room. Convert the Cloned species!" The cyberleader ordered. "We have a Alpha Bomb. We can destroy all clone forms." The Cybercaptain said, "We use it later." The Cyperleader said, "Take your survivors to set up conversion!"
A day later, the battle had continued and the troops continued fighting, the Clones decided to attack the heavily guarded conversion chamber. "Send in Alpha Squad to protect, Omega Squad will defend!" The Cyberleader ordered, AlphaCybercaptain lead in his troops to defend. The Few clones still left outside and the omega squad continued war. Then a orange clone starfighter landed, Commander Cody and Darth Vader climbed out. "Captain, we brought the death star!" Vader said to a clone captain.
on the cyber ship; The 50 converted to cybermen clones who had been teleported on board, ran to the cannons, they began shooting at the death star. The Cyberleader and Cybercaptains teleported onboard, "Alpha Captain, take Your Troops and Captains troops and stay on land, Omega Captain, Take your troops into the death star. I and Captain will stay here with my troops and turret you. Go!" The Cyberleader commanded. The Cyber Omega Captain pressed his communications device, "Omega troops teleport to the death star!" he muttered.
On the Death star; The Omega Captain teleported on board, and pulled out his gun, His omega troops quickly landed onboard then Entered battle with the StormClone Troops. Omega blasted down a door, then Commander Cody and the same amount of troops behind him as Omega (27 each) was behind it. They Entered Battle.
On Mechanus; The cyberleader landed. "Alpha leader, how many left to convert?" The Cyberleader asked, "about 7, we converted 179, the rest are up there!" Alpha replied, "Alpha Bomb This place!" The Cyberleader commanded.
Later, The Alpha Troops Teleported onto the death star, and set up teleport mines on doors, to teleport people who passed into a room for the conversions. The Teleports also had triggers to make cybermen go 2 doors along.
Back at The Cody V Omega Fight; 5 Cybermen and 7 Clones were dead, Omega and Cody were still gunning each other, then there was a miniture bang in the middle of the room, seconds later there was a green flash and everyone got thrown away from the bang, Omega (The Doctor Who one) appeared in the middle, "You will destroy the universe if you keep doing this! then there wont be any point in having anti matter universe and matter universe if it is only antimatter, then it will just be universe, like yours, so i die!" Omega boomed, Cody then shot omega in the head, then his head burst into regenerational flame, before he exploded in a pin miniture explosion, then a sonic shock wave shook the universe, damaging everything, and continued for years.
Commander Alpha had been fighting near a Airlock, but the shockwave had exploded it, the clones had been sucked out, alpha had grabbed a handlebar, then the Watcher (From Logopolis) Faded in and grabbed the door, and pulled it shut. Alpha Ran,
"I have enslaved the watcher for you... Alpha..... I had him save your life, now you must betray your troops... or you will be enslaved by darkeness!" A voice hissed, A silver box faded into view infront of alpha, Alpha grabbed it, a S shape on it glowed purple, "What..." Alpha muttered, before fading into whiteness, he threw the box.
He woke up on the floor of a white area, the area was full of white, he looked up, The Trickster was stood meters away from him. "What are you?" Alpha asked, "I am the Trickste-er!" The trickster laughed, "I created a paradox to make link need your forces... now it has left the explosion of antimatter to destroy you..." The trickster said, "Why do you need me?" The cyberman said, "You will join back up with the cybermen, and die struggling, or become my slave, your spirit in my old Slave, a graskes, body!" The trickster laughed, "I am cyberman! I will regroup!" Alpha said, "Excelle-ent..." The Trickster muttered. Alpha faded back into the death star.
On the Cyber command ship; Alpha Teleported in. "Leader, There is a plot by the trickster to destroy the universe and us. He is opposing our lead!" Alpha said, handing Cyberleader the Cube, "The Tricksters Brigade! Excel-lent!" The Cyberleader laughed.
Back at the Cody/Omega fight; Cody smacked Omegas Exhaust chamber, omega fell back, and grabbed a nearby clone blaster, and fired into codys head, Codys helmet flew off, Then cody fell back, with a large scar on his face, burning, then, 5 graske appeared (Un affected by the trickster) and a leader fired at Omega, Cody collapsed and died, a graske kicked him. Then, the Trickster faded in, "NOO..." he screamed, Alpha teleported in with the Cyberleader and Cybercaptain, then grabbed a graskes gun, and fired. The Oidz like chains hit the trickster in the chest, "We are the No Graske abuse patrol, Cyberleader called us." A graske said, "You have been arrested for: Enslaving graske, and killing them when they escape, and using them for your own abuse." The leader graske muttered. "I will take you from the time strea-ms..." The trickster laughed, and clicked his fingers, The Leader graske began to fade and leapt onto the trickster, then shot the trickster. The trickster fell back dying, The graske leader grabbed a bar, so he could hold onto the real world, "noo..." Graske leader muttered, before being sucked into the gateway galaxy.
Minutes later, the fighting continued aswell as the shaking, the clones had all been imprisoned in the Mechanus base and were going to be converted, until Alpha accidently pressed the onswitch of the Alpha bomb. Spikes flew out the alpha bomb, then they began to burn, before flying back into the bomb, and a exploding gas particle flew into the planet center, "If it explodes alpha! i will kill you, it will trigger the end of the world!" a random old wise cyberman shouted at alpha, the old man then died, and his head fell into his cornflakes.
Minutes later, the planet exploded, the antimatter shook the world so much it shattered, then turned into another anti/matter gateway galazy safe for Omega (Bad guy) and Omega (Cyber) but was just a plain white floor in a large infinite white land, full of mist. Omega then staggered in, "Im safe... after we began merging... Woo!" then began dancing. a mile away The trickster staggered in, "My plan worked! I have my own anti matter gateway universe so i can pass imbetween! but i just destroyed the matter universe... But Omegas here... I rule my own universe... Woo!" Then he looked round, "It looks like the trickster universe.. I have 2 of my own identicle universes! Woo!" he finished, then heard omegas I-pod, (which was on full volume) "Omega!" Trickster roared, then ran towards the sound. He soon met Omega, "is this mine or yours trickster!? YOU FOOL!" Omega shouted, "We can form a army..." the trickster wimpered, then Mr Pretzel faded in, "Its mine, i created time and space, and this is a no time and space universe, and because the explosion cause a slight teleport, it was mine anyway, so get lost, your universe is that way!" Mr pretzel shouted, and pointed to the left.
A week later the Anti matter explosion killed everyone, the trickster wun but was dead, the end.
Moral: Dont Mess with Graske, Cybermen, the Trickster, Omega or Mechanoids.
Moral #2 CloneStorms are idiots and kill them.
Moral #3 Omega, Graske, The Trickster and Mechanoids are the best ever bad guys!
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
The Filler for 49: Cybermen on Mechanus
5 Months after being onboard Space Station Gamma, the Cybermen; who had recently escaped Voga to invade more areas and make more troops, had taken over 50 out of 75 crewmembers. The others had been gassed, shot, gassed when escaping, shot, or destroyed in the original attack. The 50 survivors had been upgraded and joined the Cyber Squadron.
"Cyberleader. We just missiled Space Station Nerva, the Survivors have been eliminated. We have detected a strong Human pulse on a nearby planet. Should we attack to raise our numbers?" A Cyberman said to the Black headed cyberleader. "Send down a strike Squad!" The leader roared.
A day later, a circular Prism shaped pod with a triangular head was ejected onto the planet, 25 Cybermen, just under half of the 60 they had, to round up the planets troops and inprison the humans, and destroy all threats.
They landed, the two squads with 12 Cybermen in each (or 12 in one and 13 in the other), on a large levitated platform above a large forest. The door smashed open on them both, a human slave was stood near to them. "Human, surrender your village to me or be terminated!" The head of the Cyberpatrol ordered, "Who are you..." the human muttered, "Cybermen. Do it or be destroyed!" The human smashed a emergancy panel near the door, "We are being attacked! cybermen!"
a siren started, a red mechanoid buzzed through a door into the main command block. "We are being attacked! code 109! Cybermen!" it buzzed, "We can Anihilate them!" The gold Mechaleader ordered. "Commander, lead defences!" the mechaleader continued, "I obey!" the Red mechanoid commander buzzed. "I will lead the Cult of Mechanus into the battle feild!" The red continued. The red activated a switch then a door panel raised, 3 black mechanoids glided out, "Lead the army into the battle feild!" the red mechanoid commanded.
The Cybercaptain shot dead the five humans who were defending the entrance. "We should lock down the city and trick them into converting" the cybercaptain commanded his troops. They ran through the door, and were surrounded by mechanoids.
The Cybercaptain blasted the red mechanoid, it exploded, "These are not compatible. Destroy them!" the cyber captain commanded. "You will be eliminated!" one of the Black mechanoids commanded. The cybercaptain looked up and send a laser into the tiled roof, it collapsed and fell, the electronics fell with it, electricuting all of the mechanoids and humans in the room.
The Cybercaptain and the army quickly escaped, "that is the main army of mechanoids dead, we should go in pairs at the sides, work into the middle. I will contact base and make them land as backup!" A cyberman said, walking into the pod. The 22 cybermen (excluding the one in the pod) surrounded the building.
The cybercaptain activated his communications device. "Enter" he muttered, the cybermen all broke in.
3 mechanoids, and one black mechanoid spun round, buzzing, "Cybermen!" the black mechanoid buzzed. It fired into a cyberman, its fire didn't affect the cybermen. Then the cyber captain entered, and fired at the black mechanoid. It exploded, one of the other mechanoids rose its weapon and shot the exhaust chambed on the front of a cyberman, the cyberman fell back and choked, the other 2 mechanoids shot the walls and roof, they collapsed in, the cyberleader leapt to dodge then shot the mechanoid, then the roof, the remaining tiles fell in and trapped the mechanoid.
The cybercaptain ran through the hallways trying to find the command block. he shot dead some mechanoids and met up with around 17 of his troops, the rest had lost signal. They found the door. it was a small door to a circular pod that headed to the command center. A cyberbomb guy stuck a slab of bomb to the door. "Bang." the Cybercaptain ordered, the door fell down, the troops walked in.
"We lost most of our troops on the entrance, they were all destroyed, we are the only survivors!" A red mechanoid said to the gold mechanoid, "We will destroy them!" The gold mechanoid muttered. The door blasted down, 13 cybermen (5 got squashed in the lift) climbed out, and they fired at the mechanoid leader, it exploded, the mechanoids activated a gold gas bomb on the cybermen, the cybercaptain staggered away from the gas, choking, and shot the bomb, it deactivated, the 6 survivors entered lasr battle with the defence turrets and 2 mechanoids, who both had laser sheilds, then a bright light appeared in between them, link and nev the bear stumbled through.
To be Continued in post 50! which is called
Nev and Links Adventures Special: Starring Cybermen and Mechanoids!
or something like that
Monday, 1 December 2008
Triforce Chronicles: The Hyrule Raid
Kanagork was a Raider from a Foreign kingdom to hyrule, and he had a powerful army. He had Destroyed many kingdom's Capital citys, shattering them, and forcing them to be conquered by his own. Even though he was on the run from his own kingdom. They had heard Hyrule had Created a Triforce bank; to store all the Tri-Forces, as they had been attacked and raided by many Armies, and lost some Tri-Forces. The armies which stole the triforces used these to create magic weapons and shields; and used them to Slay many of the kings of Hyrule.
A man placed a Force Gem on a platform, it glowed, and spun into the socket, it was a green gem, and when mixed with the blue and red ones, made a orange tri-force. The man threw in 2 more gems, then they spun into the socket. The platform rose and spun, the 3 triangle triforce in the middle fell down, the man placed it in a container, and put it on a shelf. Then the door broke down, a arrow shot across the room, the man collapsed, pulling out the arrow in his heart, before slowly dying. 5 men walked in, one was Kanagork. "Use the Force Container, take them!" Kanagork shouted. The man with the Bow nodded, and grabbed the arrow from the man. Then kicked the man in the face.
Kanagork pulled out a circular container, and put it on the edge of a filled shelf, he then opened it, and a yellow glow came from the triforces, they flew into the container. Kanagork put the container on his belt. He then threw out five more to each of his men. "Take them, Ill activate the raid." Kanagork muttered.
Kanagork pulled out his sword, then slitted it onto his crossbow, there was a hole the right shape for it in the bow. He then put an arrow on the hilt, and ran to the edge of the cliff. The King of Hyrule was stood on a small stage across from the cliff. Kanagork took aim for the King; and fired, The king collapsed, and Kanagorks soldiers ran in. They armed themselves; circling the crowd, then Kanagork walked to the stage. He climbed up, pulling out the arrow from the kings head. "Surrender, or we will kill you!" Kanagork shouted. "Your Legend; Link; who has survived Cyclopes; Cyclones and Phantom Ghost Ships is dead. how could he be 300 years old, still look like a 11 year old and survive all this? He was a myth." Kanagork shouted. A Angry farmer leapt onto the stage, and pulled out his pitchfork, and ran at Kanagork, Kanagork laughed, and shot the man. He pulled out the arrow then looked at the crowd. "Kill them. I Enslaved Force Fairys; including fire, ill trap them." Kanagork muttered, and pulled out a cage from his back pack, "Fairy, fire ring this city now!" Kanagork muttered. A fire ring flew around the city, trapping them.
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Jesisco's China Doll
A long time ago a kid wanted a china doll when they first came out but her mum would not let her get one. Her birthday arrived and her mum bought her a china doll called Polly but the day after terrible things happened.
Her mum was calling her because she had to get up and get ready for her party. Her mum called again and again but after three times of calling her she walked up the stairs down the hall around the corner opened the door and she looked on the bed and there was her chilled and he china doll. The china doll had a butchers knife in its hand and on the bed was the little girl cut up in pieces and the china doll was singing, “cut her in half, cut her in quarters, cut her into eighths.” The china doll carried on cutting the little girl up into pieces. Then the doll turned and looked at the mum and said “your next.” The mum ran down the stairs and out the front door and down the road thinking that Polly the china doll would not follow her but Polly did and she don’t the same to the mum as she did to the little girl. So Polly started singing “cut her up in to half, cut her into quarters, cut her into eighths” and she carried on cutting and cutting and she managed to work her way around the whole area that the mum and the little girl lived in.
That is the end of that story.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Dalek Wars: Episode 3: Ultimate Power
New Leader
Attacked by sontarans
Get Beaten
Leader Helpless
"Your Hostaging is Futile!" Shouted the Supreme Dalek, "I am Dalek Sumpreme! I can Destroy you!" The Supreme Finished, and its Head Peice Was Raised, The Daleks Front Laser pulled back, and levitated, "The Green Daleks have the weapons of the Special Weapons, we can create emergancy lasers!" The Supreme shouted, and a pod for the Gun Rose, "Exterminate!" He Finished, and a laser fired, it blasted the controls, and Sontarans Screamed, some died, the gun spun, and hit the leader, who fell back. "Abort! Pull Back!" Shouted a Sontaran, "Cowards!" Shouted the Dalek.
Sontarans Fleed the Station, more dalek ships arrived, the Guns rose, and began shooting, but lasers started to fire from the daleks, killing big Chunks, The Sontaran General ran out, "Fire!" He shouted, and 10 sontarans on all sides of the base, fired, the blasts burnt the walls, down, then burnt into the main building structure, burning it. Inside, Dalek Supremes lid fell back down, his top raised, and his base broke into segments, and built themselfs into Spider like Legs, The Top of the Dalek Spun, and Turned into a Robotic Spider like head, and a small stick came out the front.
"Eliminate the Daleks!" A General sontaran shouted, before being exterminated, "Or you will be eliminated!" The Dalek Shouted. Sontaran Guns shot the Dalek, it exploded, but then a Dalek Flagship lowered itself, thousands of daleks flew out, quickly shooting down sontarans, The General who burnt down the base then grabbed a special ops sontaran, "Detonate the main base!" He shouted, and the base blew up, but the Supreme Dalek Remained there, in its spider Form. "You, Will, Be, Exterminated!" Shouted Spider Dalek Supreme, and a laser blasted from the front, the Sontaran fell back. A Sontaran Blaster hit the Supreme, it spun around, and changed back. It was Damaged, and it teleported into the mother ship.
Sontaran Controller (As in he controlled all sontarans) Was pushed into a dalek cell, "Daleks, What are you doing!" He shouted, and a Black Dalek Glided in, "Do not talk, or you will be exterminated, You will hand over the planet, or you will die and lose the Rutan War!" The Black Dalek Shouted, "I do not fear death! Thats our 10th rule, dont be afraid!" The Controller shouted, and electric bolts burnt through him. "Sontar Ha!" The Controller roared, and kicked the glass on the cell, it collapsed, "You will be destroyed, and you will become slaves of sontar!" The Controller roared, "I am Kainx, leader of the Sontaran armys, Kainx, the Doombringer!"
5 daleks dragged the supreme dalek into a small chamber, and put there plungers on him, pulling the peices off, The screaming supreme was levitated by a force feild, as a new shell was built around him, minutes later, he stopped, rebuilt. "Send in the Spider Daleks!" He shouted. A Dalek ship landed, and a door swung open, spider daleks run out, "Activate the Alpha Bomb!" The supreme roared, the walls began exploding, the dalek cell door blasted down, five sontarans, Kainx, and 4 more, walked in, The spider dalek supreme leapt, he trapped Kainx in his legs, then stabbed kainxes vent in his neck, kainx fell back, injured. The 5 special weapons daleks rolled in and shot the sontarans. "Send them out! call in the troops!" The supreme roared.
The Daleks teleported back to the base, exterminating the sontarans. 5 special weapons rolled out and shot dead the remaining sontarans. "Activate the bomb!" one of them ordered. Another spun and turned into a spider dalek, he used 2 front legs to carry a bomb 50 meters from the ship, then teleported back. The rest followed him back onboard. The ship rose, and the supreme glided onto his control deck.
"Activate the Bomb!" The Supreme roared, spikes exploded from the bomb, "activate ignition!" the supreme continued, the spikes then turned into flames, "Detonate!" The supreme roared, the spikes spun into the bomb, and they sent a exploding particle into Sontars core, "Detonate Ignition!" The supreme finished, the particle exploded, it sent the planet into a exploding ball of gas, then it froze down, and turned to rubble.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Puppet Power! By Zippy Nev Brush
- Nev: A Blue bear
- Basil Brush: A Funny Fox, with evil cousin called Mortimer
- Crazy Keith: One of Nevs Freinds
- Dunceton: Talking Brain/King of the Badgers (apparently)
- Oucho: Talking Cactus
- Badgers: A type of well known animal.
- The Foxes: Mortimer, Bingo, Bungo and Roxy
- The Badger Beggining (Parody of A series of unfortunate events; The Bad beggining)
- FoxWood: End Of May (P1) (End of Days Parody)
- FoxWood: Ha-Ha Boom-Boom! (P2) (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Parody)
- Alex Badger: Ark Badger (Parody of Alex Rider Ark Angel)
- Alex Badger: FoxHead (Parody of Alex Rider Snakehead)
- Farting of The Ways (Parody of Doctor Who Parting of the Ways)
Oucho is sitting on a windowsill, and is asleep, then the pot falls, and smashes into the fireplace, and accidently starts a fire, which begins to spread around the room quickly, He Wakes up.
Oucho: Great....
He rolls till he gets to a box, which he opens, and pulls out a tiny mobile
Oucho: Help!
His parents roll down the stairs, and begin to Burn,
Oucho: Help! My Parents are on fire!
The parents fall to ash, and the room fully ignites, but then the window smashes, and smoke fills the room. The Second it clears,the blaze stopped, and some badgers appeared.
Badger: We stopped your fire! We need money for this! Or we will take you to the Base!
Oucho screams, and drops a match, but a badger stomps on it, and drags oucho off.
Scene 2: Beach
The Badgers drag him onto the beach, and push him onto the peir, and he runs to the end.
Voice (oov): Halt!
There is a blast of smoke, the badgers fall off the Pier and drown, and Nev walks up to Oucho,
Nev: I am Captain Nev! We need to stop Count Dunceton with Puppet Power!
Oucho: What?
Basil: Nev?! This is Fox Woods Operation!
Nev: Uh-Oh....
Then a laser blasts down on him, Nev flys up quickly, and Some Foxes Walk up.
Crazy Keith Jumps onto the Pier from the Edge
Keith: Hello Cactus dude! Hello Basil?
Bingo: Basil! I have a plan! Oucho? Wanna see my pictures of pottatos?
Oucho: No!
Bungo: Try One!
Oucho Grabs a potato, and faints.
Roxy: Why did you do that?
Keith: What about me?
Basil: erm... Ill use my Bomb!
Keith: Which Bomb?
Basil: Boom! Boom!
Bingo: That wasnt funny Basil!
Basil: Have you noticed the badgers who have appeared around us yet?
The Badgers Surround them, while tons more climb onto the pier and run to the city, fireing guns, the buildings collapse, people being crushed, and guns killing the survivors, explosions fill the ruins, and knock down more buildings. FoxWood gasp, then a badger shoots Basil,
Roxy: Baseel!
138 Readers!
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Dalek Wars Ep 2: Sontar!
The Dalek Fleet entered warp drive, and daleks flew around the broken parts of it, mending it from the damage it took from Raxem. The Promoted Black dalek was in the control room, with a modified spray paint dalek recoloring him to match the dead leader. Then, the engines stopped, "Commander! The Engines have been hit! We are recieving a signal!" A black dalek shouted, then a projected image appeared on the screen, a helmeted warrior, "You are a sontaran?" The Supreme asked, "Get out of the sontar system!" The Sontaran commanded. "I am sontaran commander Dorrn, I am protecting this planet. We must not let you past!" It finished, "Lock his signal!" The supreme shouted, "Wha..." The commander said, "Fire!" The supreme shouted, and there was an explosion on the screen, and the transmission ended, "Go to there planet! Weaken there defenses!" The supreme ordered, and tons of missiles were sent out, shooting at the ships guarding the planet, and they flew down to the surface.
Sontarans were standing in a line, shooting at targets, and looked up, there was a boom, and they heard the space ship enter the atmosphere, and as the ship landed, daleks flew out of it, the sontarans fired at them, and missed the daleks. The Daleks Landed, The 9 remaining black daleks hovering above the army. The daleks fired at sontarans, but the blasts reflected off the armor, then a sontaran hit a daleks shaft under the head peice, its lights fllicked off, and a squeal came from inside, sounding like "There Jamming our Curcuits!" Two black daleks hit down the sontaran, aiming at the neck peice and fired at the same time, sending bolts threw the probic vent and killing it. More Daleks used this tactic and took some more down, but the sontarans were disabling them.
There was a bang, another bunch of ships entering the atmosphere, sontaran star fighters began to fire at them, but got shot down seconds later. A laser hit a dalek ship, and it exploded, then another one was hit. The Daleks moved back quickly, and the ship chased the lasers to find the cannon. A Dalek ship shot the cannon, and then another cannon appeared, firing down more dalek ships.
Some Sontarans ran onto the dalek mother ship, which arrived first, and grabbed the supreme dalek, and one put a knife in the shaft under the headpiece, the supremes lights turned off and it had electric bolts sent threw it, it got deactivated. The Sontarans placed a disk on it, then they teleported with it to the sontaran base.
The Sontarans had got onto the ship, and placed a bomb on it, and ran. It Exploded, More Daleks were deactivated, and the sontarans began to Win. The Daleks all began teleporting. 4 remaining black daleks had ordered them to go to the base and send out a message to stop shooting, so they could destroy the sontarans, and make them join forces. The Sontaran with the Supreme landed, and pulled out the knife. "We will hold you hostage to force the troops to leave to get you back, but then we will kill you! Activate Bombs!" A commander sontaran shouted. "We have mined the corridors, and have blown up your remaining fleet! You are helpless!" Another sontaran said.
To Be Continued
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Dalek Daves: Dalek Wars
Isop Nebula. 32nd Century. Raxem Minor System.
The Dalek Ship left warp drive. It was the Emporers Warship, and the last to arrive, the first made the area clear for the second, who then invaded, the last one was for the emporers fleet to take the planet. It had 4 ships surrounding it, guarding, incase any survivors ambushed them.
On the planet, Hooded Figures with snouts were firing at daleks. Laser blasts came back in return, and the hooded figures with snouts died. Suddenly there was a blue glow, and then the orange sky turned blue. "You have sent out a force feild! You jammed the lasers! You Cowards!" A dalek shouted. one of the snouted figures came up to the dalek. "Who are you! Why are you invading our home! Why are you doing this to the innocent Raxel species!" It shouted. The daleks plunger grabbed its snout, and the Raxel died. Then, a bunch of small spherical ships landed. five raxel climbed out of each. They pulled out big chunky guns. "That wont work! The sheild jams lasers!" The daleks shouted. A raxel laughed, and shouted fire. rockets flew out of them, and hit the daleks.
On the emporers ship, a black dalek teleported in. "Emporer! The Raxel are eliminating us! they have a forcefeild and are jamming the lasers!" the dalek shouted. "Retreat the forces! Send fire waves to burn the forces down!" The emporor shouted. The emperor had a head like from Davros's Red dalek, and had a green base. It had been designed by davros as the new class of emperor, in the time war. They had survived the time war with 10 more fleets. All lead by the Green red daleks. Where the gun and plunger usually are, it had a gun like the special weapon dalek. The design of it had been cloned for the special forces, but they were black and red.
The Dalek Forces teleported out, and the raxel cheered, but then a laser hit the planet, the sheild burnt up, and a giant crater appeared where the laser hit. The smoke began to clear, Robotic Spider like versions of the daleks appeared from the smoke, and then lasers began to fly, the raxel screamed, and fired at the spider daleks, the special ops ones which had attacked during the time the sheild was up, began shooting, the raxel warriors began firing there lasers again, and a raxel blew up a spider daleks eyepeice.
"Emperor! They have found the weak spot!" A dalek boomed to the emporer. "Activate full sheilds!" The emperor shouted! "We have located Raxel starships heading for us!" Another black dalek boomed, and a laser blasted the wall from outside, The Emperor Spun round, and looked. Raxel Special ops were boarding, "FIRE!" One shouted, and the dalek emperor exploded, "Destroy the planet!" The black dalek shouted, and put his plunger in a socket, but got blown up. The plunger stayed in socket, and a laser flew into the planet. The planet blew up. The Daleks Headed to the control room, and began fighting off the Raxel. The 3 remaining black daleks shot down the special ops, and flew out to space with a squad of other daleks. They took out the Raxel Ships and Flew off.
Thursday, 4 September 2008
The Redesign Awards Wiki
The Fan Fiction awards (which dosn't have to be fanfiction, because that is only there because Big fat fiction awards blog dosnt sound right,) Which we have mentioned, has now got its blog. There will be a link to all the entrys under there catagorys and later on a poll/link to a survey link at the side.There is a link Here
The site has had a minor redesign, We have added a header, and put a star next to it to be fancy.
Because this is major, comment. If you aint allowed by your parents (if you have to ask permission,) Do it anyway, or dont ask them at all, and just do it. Just say hi. Because i am setting up a forum soon aswell so I need people preparing. Go on. -tick tock- -tick tock- -tick tock- -tick tock- -yawn-
Sunday, 31 August 2008
100th visits!
Friday, 29 August 2008
Tales of Terror!
The first episode in a series of short horror stories. I apologise for the bad quality of some shots, eg. background noises, people in the way. Also, this is Linda's first acting job, so, please be nice.
Even though this isn't great, don't give up on the series yet, it's going to get much much better.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Dalekkid19092's Clone Wars Spin off: Order 66
Thire is with some new troops, with his memories put back into his head, he is with a jedi master, Claro Tewar, who is pulling on a space helmet, since he cannot survive in starfighter conditions, he is a gungan.
Claro: Hey, Mesa ready for battle thiresa.
Thire: Ok, im setting my troops to prepare, You can Head off
Claro jumps into his ship, a white and red modified ep 3. He flies out the hangar,
Scene 2: Space
The modified is flying threw space, shooting at the seperatist base and he sends a torpedo at the bridge, it hits,
Claro: Bullseye!
he shoots into the hangar sheildtransmitter, then topedoes into the hangar, blowing it, up, then his engines burst up, fire from behind, he looks, freindly, fire, then it hits again, his engines stop, and he begins to plummet down, and finaly lands on a moon. He climbs out, and ignites his lightsaber, clone and droid forces are racing to the moon, he screams, and a torpedo hits him, blowing the moon up.
Scene 3: Another planet, middle off a battle feild
A selkath jedi master is chopping down droids with his double edged green lighsaber, then a clone blast hits him, he turns round, the commander fires at him, knocking the lighsaber back, and it slices his arm off, then he closes his eyes. A bith jedi master watches in horror and runs to his starfighter, He flies off.
Scene 4: Kashyyk
Jedi master luminara is with commander gree and a wookie, then a Clone scout runs up to him, and nods, they pull out guns, and fire at the wookie, the wookie falls down dead, and luminara strikes at the scout, who falls down with his head chopped in half, and Commander gree shoots again and Luminara drops here lightsaber, and falls off the dome she is in. Gree walks through to another dome, and nods at a scout, they approach yoda, who jumps up and spins, theyre heads fall down, then the bodies. Yoda runs off.
Subtitle: 5 years later
A small group of wookies are huddled round a fire, and in the background show everything burnt down, Then, A Early version of a imperial shuttle lands, A group of clones climb out and fire at the wookies, The wookies shoot back and one roars, and grabs the Storms, and jumps, and kicks the leader in the face, he is dragged off by a commander clone, and is thrown into the shuttle, The storm clones shoot down the remaining wookies, the ship begins to fly, but then spins round into a tree, exploding, A wookie jumps out, followed by some imperials, and they fight, until the wookie is stunned, and is dragged in.
Scene 6: Ma'ar Shaddam
A Jedi Starfighter lands next to a workshop, an armoury, with Mandalorian type armour, A Bith Jedi gets out the starfighter, the same one as before, but scarred, and his ship burnt. He walks up to them, and points at a Armour similar to a clones, but modified,
Bith: (Huttese) Che copah? (English) Price?
Merchant: (Huttese) Goba Jujumon So Ahh (English) 157 Credits.
Bith: (Huttese) An Dyst? (Human) And Ship?
Merchant: (Huttese) Bo Donocha So Ahh! (human) 224 Credits.
Bith: (huttese) Poodoo! (En) -censored-
Bith reaches for his lightsaber, and switches it on
Bith: (HTS) La pim nallya so bata de wompa, Mikiyuna! Pasta mo rulya! Do bata gee mwaa tusawa! (EN) I will get back to you on that one, hands off your weapons and back up against the bar!
Merchant: (Hts) Kava doompa Jeedi stoopa! (en) Youre a Jedi Fool!
The bith uses the force to throw his starfighter at the workshop, and it sets it alight, The Merchants are backed against the wall, and the fire sets them alight, he lifts his hand infront of the merchants face, and the merchant, falls back, and rushes inside, coming out with some armour, and points at a starfighter, Davaab Type, mandalorian, The bith nods,
Merchant: (HTS) Yuna Puna! (EN) First Class!
The bith nods again and begins to shake hands with the Merchant, and then ignites his lightsaber again, and puts it in the merchants neck, the merchant falls, the bith nods again, and opens the box, The helmet was similar to a early Swamp troopers helmet, and the armour was mandalorian, and it had a Modified Kashyyyk Stalker, and a Dc-19 twin blaster, He pulled on the helmet, then climbed into the mandalorian armour, He shot at the ground, it made a explosion good enough to collapse a small building. He put the helmet on his dash board on his ship, and flew up. Suddenly a laser hit the ship. He spun, 2 early versions of the Modified ties for the Emporers guards, he checked his hyperdrive, it had been hit, he hit the dashboard, and loop-de-looped, and the homing missiles missed, and he flew in a loop round the ties, but he was hit by the missiles, and it hit the cockpit, he was knocked out, and flew away, fought dead by the ties.
Monday, 25 August 2008
Torchwood XC E4 P3
In the Hub, The Team had decided to speed up the 3 year recovery, by having The Rift Manipulator yoink him from time after the three years. "Set the manipulator to full power!" Jack shouted, Mickey slammed a lever, Gwen shoved a plug in its socket, and there was a flash, the team fell back, and ianto appeared on the autopsy table, Jack began walking down, "Ianto, take this!" Jack shouted, and Ianto climbed up, "Who are you... oh, like the coat." Ianto said, "Ianto, eat this, youve been out of action for years, so itll revive your spritit," Gwen said, putting a small pill in his mouth. Then there was a blast on the table, Gwen fell back, A Timelord like figure walked down the stairs, "Who are you?" Jack Said, "I can tell you are timelord by them robes, so you are from before the war, so we can dissect you and get away with it." Mickey said, "I am the castellean! Im on the high council!" He shouted. "Probe him!" Jack shouted, "No! Not the mind probe!" He shouted, "Let him live!" Mickey shouted, "He is set to die in the future, also, when he is escaping from a probe." Mickey finished.
Torchwood XC E4 P2
Owen was looking at iantos arm, and coughed. "What the hell... some kind of black smoke!" He shouted. "Spiritual Tachyon energy, created by storing someones spirit in a body which has witnessed timetravel, or been involved in timetravel." Jack Said, "Mr Saxon." He finished. "You mean the prime minister who suddenly vanished from existance?" Owen said, but then Ianto grabbed owens throat, and chucked him down to the autopsy room, which was meters away, owen fell down in the place tosh died. Owen gasped, and Jack ran down to him, Gwen and mickey pointed guns at Ianto, "Ianto, you are under arrest!" Gwen shouted. Ianto laughed, "I am not ianto, and..." ianto vanished, and reappeared with blood all over him, "I am Bilis Manger, hows rhys gwen?!" He laughed, and Gwen grabbed her mobile, and flipped it open, "RHYS!" She shouted, and began to cry." Bilis/Ianto laughed, and grabbed here, and teleported.
They landed on the edge of a tall building, "Cya Gwen!" He said and pushed, Gwen staggered, and wobbled on the edge, Ianto jump kicked, Gwen dodged and pulled out a pistol and shot ianto, ianto teleported infront of her, and Gwen spun and punched, Ianto grabbed her hand, and she vanished, reappearing near the edge, she gasped, and Ianto pushed, Gwen Dodged and pushed down Ianto. Jack appeared with his vortex manipulator at the bottom of the building, and saw gwen fighting. Ianto laughed and put a pistol against Gwens head.
Friday, 22 August 2008
Clomic Wars
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Mr Pretzel. Chapter One
Chapter one!
mr pretzel slammed a lever down, and jumped away from his console, an explosion filled his lab, the lights flickered on, one at a time, and then he saw a car light up, a green ford KA, with its windows covered, it had boosts on the side, and a voice activated door, with fingerprint locks. mr pie had the idea of it being disguised as a really bad car, and he was inside it, re-wiring the brakes. He climbed out, slamming the door, he was a apple flavoured pie with glasses and wearing a suit. "done, ive recoded the megaflux duel engines to calibrate high exposure to void stuff while taking the hydroplactic megaprocsessor and shoving a time engine in it stolen from the test flight to '63 from the famous tardis!" Pie said, mr pretzel nodded. climbing to the car.
In the secret lab 10 miles south of the a98, a door spun open, a man walked in, guarded, "Doctor, time has changed!" it is rippling up, time will be consumed! i f eel like its getting to me... hes stopping me kill my dad... he stopping me getting out from prison! stopping me joining you....." he shouted, and burnt up, the man at the other end of the lab thought carefully.
the pretzel and pie pressed buttons on the modified dashboard, then mr pretzel hits the accelorate, they speed forwards, and there is a flash of green light, mr pretzel screams, and they hit the breaks. They look outside the window, "2314" mr pie says, and climbs out. "2314" he said, and climbed out, and climbed back in, "2314" he said again, and climbed back out, then in again, and kept repeating, then they went back in time, back to 2033, then, they went back to the future, "2314!" mr pie said, and then climbed out. There was a huge explosion, the buildings all collapsed, the people turned to tramps, and time changed, pie turned round, and saw the car turn into a soap box race car. "Time is changing!" mr Pie shouted, and looked up, the sky turned red. pretzel screamed "noo!" and jumped into the soap box, he looked and saw the same dashboard, and he sped back to the past, he landed in his workshop, and saw it had been burnt down, and mr pie was building his soap box racer time machine, then he looked up, and saw himself and mr pretzel, "What..." he said, and the version building burnt, followed by the current version and then mr pretzel. Mr pretzel found himself back on the floor later, then ran up to some controls, "wierd dream!" he said, mr pretzel slammed a lever down, and jumped away from his console, an explosion filled his lab, the lights flickered on, one at a time, and then he saw a car light up, a green ford KA, with its windows covered, it had boosts on the side, and a voice activated door, with fingerprint locks. mr pie had the idea of it being disguised as a really bad car, and he was inside it, re-wiring the brakes. He climbed out, slamming the door, he was a apple flavoured pie with glasses and wearing a suit. "done, ive recoded the megaflux duel engines to calibrate high exposure to void stuff while taking the hydroplactic megaprocsessor and shoving a time engine in it stolen from the test flight to '63 from the famous tardis!" Pie said, mr pretzel nodded. climbing to the car. "What... time loop!" Pretzel shouted,
Friday, 15 August 2008
Clone Wars: The Complete Saga!
Thire: Squad, Prepare for a rough landing.
An Explosion hits the ship, "
Clone Pilot: Commander! Weve lost the engeines, we'll hit the ground at terminal velocity!
Thire: all power to front Turbo sheilds, deactivate everthing to put all power to front Turbo!
A blue glow surrounds the ship,
Thire: Troopers, Saftey Posistions!
Scene 2: Above The Ship
The ship zooms into view, and speeds down, they hit the ground
Scene 3: outside the ship
Commander Thire and his troopers climb out, The Pilot comes out last
Thire: We need to Get to apalnas Squad,
Scene 4: Geonosis Factory
Some 501st Soldiers are shooting down Geonosions, The Commander has a badly injured arm, and a Clone Medic is stood next to him, he shoots at a geonosian but the geonosian blast destroys his pistol
Apalna: We need to get to the hangar, Dooku is escaping!
A Geonosian lands next to him, he punches it, and grabs the gun, and fires at some geonosians, they all die on the spot.
Apalna: Get the guns, kill as many as possible, and get to the hangar!
Apalna Runs to a door, and shoots the control panels, the door slams open, "
Apalna: Quickly!
The 3 survivors and Apalna get to the door, and climb threw, Apalna shoots the panle on the other side, and the door slams shut, They look round, and see count dooku.
Clone #1: Destroy the ship!
Dooku: No!
Dooku ignites his saber, but the ceiling collapses on his ship, trapping the five there
Clone Medic: Were Trapped!
Scene 5: Other side of the rock fall
Thires Troopers Arrive,
Thire: Detonate the Rocks,
Scene 6: the first side
Dooku is fighting the Four Clones, Clone #2 is dead, so theres online Clone #1, Medic and Apalna Left
Thire: (oov) Fire!
Dooku: Wha-at!
Dooku Turns round and is blasted back by the blast, Thires Squad walk out, and Apalna Grabs Dookus Lightsaber, Thire puts his pistol on Dookus Neck,
Thire: We need that holocron, Weve had information that it destroys planets, give it to us or we will kill you,
suddenly droids burst threw on the other side, and blast Thire, Thires Medic comes up to him, while the un injured Clones fight the droids, Dooku laughs and runs off, but drops the holocron, Apalna Blasts the Holocron, but a droid blasts his face, paralyzing him.
Thire: Troops, Retreat!
Thires 7 surviving squad members (4 clones, 1 pilot, one medic and Thire) and Apalnas 3 survivors (Medic, Apalna and 1 clone) Run, and Yoda bursts through the door, spinning in the air and avoiding Geonosion and Droid Blasters chops down half of the army in 17 seconds, giving the team a chance to run, 2 of thires members got blasted, as they got out
Scene 7: Outside
Commander Codys Squad Run up
Cody: Did you get the holocron?
Apalna: No, We Destroyed it,
Thire: We need Transport!
Cody: I Have enough room for the 6 of you in my gunship, General Yoda has Order for your troops to retreat to coruscant, Order 32
Thire's Troops are Mending their guns, but Apalnas Survivors are healing
Cody: What happened with Tyrannus?
Apalna: We were about to assasinate him, but a rockfall fell on him, and he saw us, the force saved him
Thire: So our squad blasted the rock fall, and tried to Execute Dooku
Apalna: What Caused the Rock Fall?
Cody: We Were shooting at a Droid, I went in to find out what happened,
Medic (A): Commander. Your Troops need to take 3 years off to recover
Apalna: Clones never have days off, Your a Medic, you had the rules programed into you, how can you do that,
Cody: Wait!
Cody Pulls out his pistol and blasts the Helmet Medic, a small stick is coming out with a pod at the end
Cody: Droid!
MedicDroid: Roger!
(A) Clone: Impossible
Apalna Trooper A whips out a battle knife and chops off the neck, it exploads, and a spark ignites the wiring,
Apalna: Thire, Group up, weve lost men, and escape! Cody, Bye!
Apalnas Blue and Green Soldiers and Thires Red Soldiers Jump off, Cody presses a SOS button
Scene 9: Ground
Codys ship crashes into a Cliff. The Troopers climbed up, and saw they had Droidikas Surrounding Them,
Apalna: Cody was a Fake, it was a trap, he tried three times to kill us, He tried to trap us in a cave, use the fake fake Medics explosion to kill us and made us fall into a Droidika pit, or hit that rock
Apalna Hits his Wrist, a small Detonation pack comes out, he drops it on the floor,
Apalna: Destroyers? or Destroyed!
Apalna hits his wrist, and a lightning like pulse zaps through the Droidikas, Apalna Grabs the Explosive Slab and puts it back,
Apalna: Thire, Commandos need this stuff, but shock troopers dont
Thire: Were Designed for worse, Were near the equator so the next Base is a mile away, look,
Points at Horizon, they pull on there jetpacks and zoom to the base
Scene 10: Base
Jedi general Kamorik is stood at a control panel, he is HammerHead, like Roron Corrob, Thire and Apalna Walk up to Him
Kamorik: Commanders, There has been Detected that there a some Cloned Clones who are evil in the army
Apalna: Yes, a Cloned Commander Cody tried to kill us, we only have a soldier left each, and Thire has his medic
Kamorik: You will get new troops soon, we have detected that You are a Clone, Apalna, Since the Real Apalna vanished in the kamino factory, and we lost all life signs. You killed him, you are a clone!
Kamorik uses the force to shatter the Helmet
Apalna: I aint a Clone at all, Im Jako Fett,
Jako laughs and punches Thire, and two pistols come out of his wrist
Jako: I can fire four guns in two places at once now,
Jako points all of his guns at Kamorik, who ignites his saber, but laser sheilds appear in seperate ares of Jakos Body
Jako: Your attacks are all blocked!
Kamorik: 5
Jako: What...
Kamorik: 3
Jako: Wha..
Kamorik: 1!
A Bomb exploded under Jako, the sheilds disabled, the guns snapped and Jako fell unconsious.
Kamorik: Shove him into the Geonosis Power supply, then make it minimum power, then destroy the controls.
Thire: Yes General.
Scene 11: Illum
Later on that week, Thire had been given some new troops, and got Commando Training under Commando Apel, and they had been given a task to eliminate the forces in Ilum, which were trying to destroy it so the jedi lost the lightsaber crystals.
Thire: Apel, There is minor Force Activity in the caves, when it has been force feilded, i think that a Dark Jedi has got threw,
The Temple suddenly began to collapse, the bleeping on the scanner stopped and then a mushroom cloud of fire and smoke left the temple, and fireballs headed in all direction, and one was heading at the Ship for Thire, Apel and there squad,
Apel: Jump Thire!
Thire and Apel Jump as the fireball burns up the ship, trapping them.
Thire: We have lost our Coms Units, and our transport, and there is still another unprotected temple,
Apel: We need to get there but its on the other side of the planet,
Thire: Ill flag the area, and then we can get the flag by the other troops, who set up the force feild.
Apel: Fire!
Thire ignites the Flag and grabs it, and Apel grabs it aswell, they vanish,
Scene 12: Ilum pad
Thire and Apel Run out of a small sheilded off pad, and look up, they see the temple, and then see a door, and walk in, they then see a band off hooded figures, who turn, and send lightning into Apel, who then activates a sheild and the sheild reflects it into the figures, and one of them screams and begins to burn up.
Apel: Dark Jedi,
The fire like from the other temple starts, and then Apel gets hit, and falls down, Thire screams and shoots the Dark Jedi, who then falls down, and stops the spell, he then shoots the others and chucks a bomb,
Thire: Bye!
The bomb explodes, and the room caves in, and kills them all, but Apel grabs thire and escapes, but then a rock fell onto him,
Thire: Apel,
Thire shoots the rock, and pulls out Apel, who then begins to burn, a hole in his amour got caught by fire with the Dark Jedis Force Fire trick, and burns up, and begins to melt the ice that they are sat on, it begins to crack into peices, and then he gets seperated from Apel, and then he places down a flag, and sets it on fire,
Scene 13: Base
Thire appears in the base, on the teleport pad, and begins to laugh, and a blue glow comes from his eyes, then fades off, he pulls out his gun and shoots at the controls, and all the clones point guns at him
Thire: I blocked your weapon system!
A clone with red rank markings (like thires) pulls out a small disc and puts it on his wrist. He then presses it, and a laser zaps into Thire, who then collapses.
Clone (r): Dark Side energies, must be from Illum. Wipe his mind and memories, and then use him as a embryo for his replacement.
Clone #1: Ok sir.
clone walks off
Clone #2: The Dark side energies have vanished, there heading for Rhen Var!
Jedi General: Ulic Quel Droma was one of the most recent residents of that place, 3000 years ago, he died when he was shot by Hoggon, and his spirit was then sighted back on Illum, watching his unofficial apprentice, Vima Sunrider train. Then he vanished, and has only been seen as a spirit in lightsaber crystals. He was a fallen jedi, who became sith lord, but got redeemed. I think the energies are his spirit, and the dark jedi have awoken him, and forced him back to the dark side.
Clone (r): It is reccomended that you go to hunt him down Master Perwar?
Perwar: Yes, barricade the area with gunners, shoot at all unidentified ships immediatly!
Scene 14: Starfighter landing
A Red starfighter (like Obi-Wans Ep2 one) flies towards the planet, then it lands. A blue figure like a force ghost walks up to it.
Perwar: Master Droma, Why did you wake up?
Ghost: the fire warrio-rs...
Perwar: It cant be, they were destroyed a century after the sith.
Ghost: The warriors spirits have affected the jedi order... the dark side is in a jedi apprentice of the republic....
Perwar: What?
The ghost turns red, and then pulls out Dromas saber into the ghosts hand, then the ghost turns into a hooded figure, who ignites the saber, and Perwar pulls out his, and he then slices at the ghost, but it goes threw him. The ghost roars, and turns into a red gas, which flies threw Perwar, who collapses, and the ghost burns up.
Perwar: What?
Cracks start to appear in the floor, and fire burns out from them, then a green laser hits the planet, and it explodes.
Scene 15: Seperatist base,
Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, Greivous, Rune Haako and Poggle the Lesser are sat round a table, with a map of the galaxy on the table, and holograms showing where there forces are.
Count Dooku: Plan Zetla is ready, we have already tested the main guns on the planet Rhen Var, and stole the powers of the Fire Warriors and Master Droma, to use them to power it,
A hologram appears on count dookus wrist, Darth Sidious,
Poggle: Its the maste-er!
Count Dooku: Yes, Lord Sidious?
Sidious: Clone Forces have missiled down Zetla, and it will take another... 5 years to rebuild, and another 13 to finish and charge. Also, The 3 main droid bases have been taken down, and we have lost the main supplies,
there is a explosion on the hologram, Sidious falls down, and they see a blast go over him.
Poggle: We Can Rebuild the Geonosian Factori-es!
Nute: Theve taken sidious!
Greivous: I am head of Droids, I order you to rebuild the droid factories lord dooku!
Rune: We need to send all forces to take sidious back! Were defeated...
Scene 16: On the other side off the base
A slab off ceiling falls down, and a lightsabre deignites, 2 jedi fall down, Plo Koon and Mace Windu.
Mace: We need to get to the meeting room, The droids have taken the chancellor, and the cloning facilitys have been taken offline!
Plo: Quick
Scene 17: Meeting Room
Dooku: Silence! We can build another geonosis factory, and quickly start Zetla 2,
Rune: There is jedi forces detected outside off the room!
Plo and Mace break in, and they pull out there sabers, Mace then walks towards Dooku, and Plo towards greivous, they then grab them and push them against the wall.
Mace: Wheres the Chancellor?
Dooku: Wheres my master?
Mace: We took him down, but the chacellor told us that you took down the clone forces.
Dooku: You took down our forces and operation Zetla!
Plo: Wait, both forces are offline, and both of our leaders have vanished. This is war over, or, truce, or everyone loses, We need to have a truce or both sides crumble!
Mace: Dooku, you need to sign a peace treaty or We will kill you.
Dooku pulls out his lightsaber, and slices at Mace, Who Blocks, then Greivous pulls out one off his and stabs Plo Koons arm,
Dooku: We never took down your forces, we just told them the war was over,
Mace: Because of that, we will kill you, and bring down the war. And we will win.
Dooku: (laughs) Idiot (uses lightning on mace, who flies back, and then climbs up)
Plo: Your the Idiot!
Plo hits Poggle with his saber, and Poggle collapses and his wings fall off, the geonosian guards appear, and Mace chops them down, and slices off Rune Haakos arm, and then lunges back at dooku, while the seperatists run, Mace lunges at dooku, and Plo slices down a droid. Greivous coughs and runs off. Mace then hits at dooku, and they fight, Plo slices his saber into the table and into the wall, then Plo fights dooku
Dooku: You wont destroy me!
__________________PART FIVE HERE___________________
Plo slices off dookus lightsaber arm, and takes the saber. On the main meeting table a hologram appeared. Sidious.
Sidious: Dooku. What... Jedi... You failed. Dooku. Droid forces are being sent to eliminate you, and the Jedi.
He vanishes, Dooku laughs, and uses his remaining hand to open a cabinet with the force, and force pulls out a metal hand, and places it on his wrist, and uses the force on it. His skin grows onto it, and he force pulls his light saber back. Dooku laughs, and reignites the lightsaber, and Plo uses the force to levitate Dooku, Mace uses his Vaapad the Began choking Dooku, Then The Wall explodes, Mace Drops Dooku and ignites his lightsaber, A Green Twi'lek with Yellow Mandalorian Armour bursts in with a blaster
Twi'lek: I have been sent here by the Universal Defence Elite Forces. I have orders to assasinate Jedi and Seperatist leaders to end the war.
Mace: What? The Jedi fight for Good. We are stopping the Sith take over!
Twi'lek shoots Plo with her blaster, knocking off his breathing mask, and he falls down, Mace grabs him and the mask, then checks for pulse.
Mace: That was un-nessascary!
Mace Ignites his saber and Reflects another blast into the Twi'leks hand, destroying the gun, but the Twi'lek laughs and kicks Mace in the Face, knocking him down. Dooku runs up to the Twi'lek, and surges his lightsaber into her arm, breaking her arm off. She screams, and pulls out a pistol from a pocket, and shoots dooku. Dooku is knocked down, next to windu, who is climbing up.
Mace: You, have failed!
Dooku realises maces hidden message, and they both use the force to act dead. So does plo koon. Then, a second later, the door bursts down, and a droideka rolls in. The sheild breaks open, and it fires, knocking down the bounty hunter in seconds. mace then slowly uses the force to destroy the droidikas power cells. It breaks, and Mace puts plos mask back on his head.
Mace: Dooku, I realised, months after the start of the war, that i should have killed you on geonosis to end the war, but wasted the chance to save 2 of our jedi, which cost hundreds more, so I will kill you now.
They both ignite light sabers, and begin fighting, Plo stands up, recovering, and uses the force to break down a wall. He runs behind dooku, preparing to stab but Dooku spins, using the force to knock them both back, Mace runs out of the hole, with plo, and they re-ignite their lightsabers. Dooku runs out, onto the balcony which the jedi are on, and re-ignites, then plunges his lightsaber in the floor, igniting the balcony, and they plunged down into the lake the base was built above. Mace and Dooku fight while they fall, and Mace then back flips, and plo and mace use the force to speed into the water, then dooku falls, and he appears to have drowned in the water. The jedi swim out, then watch the base built above the lake burn.
Mace: Why did they decide to built it lethally above Mon Calimari? Thats suicide!

The Twi'lek laughed, and shot at Toadsworth, "I revived the bomber toads, for a special comeback as my revenge!" The Twi'lek laughed, and a Bee ship landed, the Brigade turned round, and the toad bombers walked out, only 5 of them left from the bomb. They ran up and grabbed Brigade members, then a graske came from around the corner, and shot at the bombers, then the bounty hunter, who fell, and landed on a moon. Bowser was there, "You! the idiot who crossed over into our galaxy, how come you came!" He boomed, "The 30th post party..." She replied, then bowser screamed, and pulled on a jet pack, and flew to the observatory. On the observatory, Toad (charactor) shoots at the graske, pushes it off the edge, and pulls out its gun, fires into the air, and the people celebrating appeared, but then bowser landed, and the people ran back to the emergancy dome, The Toads screamed, and shot at bowser, slowly killing him. Toad jumped onto his back, and pulled back, pulling them both of the observatory, pulling them into a black hole. Then toad jetpacked back, and ran back to the emergancy room, and called the BFFFB cast back out, Then they all started saying bye, but then Toad (writer) landed, did a dance, and shot the BFFFB cast dead, apart from the Mario charactors, and flew off.
The Brigade, walked up to there ships, and flew back into the galaxies.
Here is a sypnosis of the real part 2.
Bowser Jr has been saved, and goes to the brigade for revenge for the malcfunction, With Megaleg mark 2, and this time, he has decided to go for the kill, and destroy all 1-ups on the planet, but first he is destroying Mushroom World, and the Toad Brigade are determined to save their planet, and destroy megalegs, but keep a supply off 1-ups in their pockets.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

On The HoneyStar Galaxy, A Bee Ran to the queen bee, who was massive. "Buzz! Mistress! Toad SpaceCraft are heading to our Galaxy! Buzz!" He shouted. "Take the Leaders of the Invading Army and bring them to me, and scavenge the Space Craft, and steal the technolodgy to improve our ships. And use it to prepare for Galactic Domination!" She Replied, and burst into a evil laugh.
The SpaceShroom's crashed down, and landed in a big honeycomb. The Bee who alerted the Mistress flew up to them, and buzzed, pointing at the SpaceShroom. They buzzed, and pulled out phasers. Yellow climbed out, and saw the bees. "Toad, We are back in HoneyComb galaxy. and we are stuck in honey." He shouted, then a laser hit him, knocking him out. Toad pulled out a small pistol, and climbed out, and fired at the Bees, but the Leader buzzed up to him. "Buzz! You are attempting to take this planet. Are you the leader? Buzz!" it asked. "Buzz! Yes!" The purple toad shouted, climbing out from the yellow shroom. "I am leader of Yellow Shroom, With Yellow, and He is in charge of Red." Purple said. "Thank you, Buzz. We will take you hostage of the Toads, along with Toadsworth."
Queen Bee Buzzed angrily at Purple and Red, while the asssistant who had captured them put them in a cage, and pointed the other 3 into another cage. "Leaders of the toad sleeper force, I have decided to kill your other three members, and keep you hostage with Toadsworth." She buzzed. "You cannot contact the Toads. Bowser has taken our planet, all off our freinds have been frozen by a wizard. Our leaders have been taken captive, it is impossible to contact our planet!" Toadsworth shouted, from a cage in the corner off the room. "Bowser!? We have teamed up to conquer the galaxies!" She laughed, but then Purple jump kicked and knocked down the queens assistant, pulling out his phaser from his pockets, and pointed at the queen. "Bowser will be eliminated, We saw his space ship spinning out off control, it knocked us into warp, and we landed here!" Red Shouted. "He has failed! We must take immidiate back up plan!" the queen roared, and buzzed loudly, which set off an alarm. Then, they saw from a window, tons of Giant Bullet bill like rockets fly into the sky. "What?" Yellow asked. "I sent them to eliminate the Koopa Troopas and Bowser, if he survived." The queen said. "The ships are teleport compatible, they should be killing them them by now." The queen said, and started an evil laugh. Then a laser hit her in the neck, shutting her up.
Then, Bowser walked into the room. "You have sent forces to assasinate me! and you have also captured the brigade that sent my son through a black hole, which re opened in the other side of the galaxy! Your planet will be taken into slavery, We have already taken down all off your troops, They were easily out numbered!" He shouted. "You are all sentenced to death!" He shouted, Dropping a bomb. Purple shot the bars on the cage, letting Toad out, then let out the others, and finally Toadsworth. "Toadley! Dont sacrifice yourself to stop the bomb. I have a emergancy Teleport device, teleports in a bunch of toads prepared to take down bombs!" Toadsworth shouted, throwing a disc infront of the bomb. It glowed, and the 20 manned bomb team climbed up. "Thanks, you saved us from the crystal bombs!" The leader shouted. They were all Purple marked, but darker than Toadley. They set up a vacuum like object and aimed it at the bomb. The Timer ticked to 5, and they fire the vacuum cleaner, the bomb sucked into it, and the Toads Ran, and as the bomb detonated, they jumped. They looked round, and saw the queen bee scream, as the fire on her died and she collapsed, but the assistant had escaped. "We still have your mushroom thingy, Buzz. You can escape. I surrender to your invasion!" The Assistant said, but the Bomb leader grabbed him, and threw him in the burning room.
At the Bee Docks, the bees headed to the yellow ship. "No!" Toad shouted. "You murdered a surrendering enemy, and didnt give the queen a chance to live. You are to violent to help us save the universe." he finished, and the Brigade ran onto the ships. The Red rose and turned, and sent an ice laser at the bombers. Then the on reds coms they heard a shout of "Wait!" as yellow ship landed. Yellow, Toadley and Toadsworth ran back to the honey comb prison and court room were they were held captive. "Theyre was other toads, in super powerfull defensive honey cells. They could have survived!" Toadsworth explained to Toad, and ran in. They saw the honey melting, and 13 more toads climbed out, with red spots. "-yawn- Look! Its the brigade!" One shouted, and they ran up to them. "I think the Lumas need to build another ship to look after these, Green, you can pilot." Toad said to the brigade, and toadsworth said "Ill stay here and look after these, send green to collect his ship, he can bring us back to the fleet".
Itsa Me Toadio!
Mario has Saved the Toad Brigade from The Honey Hive Galaxy, and The Lumas from the Comet Observatory have built them a Ship, The StarShroom. However, The Toads have been knocked off course by Bowser Jr, who banged into them by accident, and they are heading for a galaxy owned by evil scavenger bees.
This Will be released later tonight, with a img i am working on as a header of the post
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
To Annoy Fans of Our Clone War Series
Following on from the Teaser in the previous post
Dooku laughs, and reignires the lightsaber, and Plo uses the force to levitate Dooku, Mace uses his Vaapad the Began choking Dooku, Then The Wall explodes, Mace Drops Dooku and ignites his lightsaber, A Green Twi'lek with Yellow Mandalorian Armour bursts in with a blaster
Twi'lek: I have been sent here by the Universal Defence Elite Forces. I have orders to assasinate Jedi and Seperatist leaders to end the war.
Mace: What? The Jedi fight for Good. We are stopping the Sith take over!
Twi'lek shoots Plo with her blaster, knocking off his breathing mask, and he falls down, Mace grabs him and the mask, then checks for pulse.
Mace: That was un-nessascary!
Mace Ignites his saber and Reflects another blast into the Twi'leks hand, destroying the gun, but the Twi'lek laughs and kicks Mace in the Face, knocking him down,
Monday, 11 August 2008
CWE5 (teaser, with some news about the series)
Dooku is collapsed on the floor, with his hand sliced off, and Plo with his lightsaber. On the main meeting table a hologram appeared. Sidious.
Sidious: Dooku. What... Jedi... You failed. Dooku. Droid forces are being sent to eliminate you, and the Jedi.
He vanishes, Dooku laughs, and uses his remaining hand to open a cabinet with the force, and force pulls out a metal hand, and places it on his wrist, and uses the force on it. His skin grows onto it, and he force pulls his light saber back.
Sorry bout the length. this is just part four. which is a small teaser of part five. Which is going to be parts 1 -3 and part five, with part four in it, squeezed together. The Series has been writen by my mate, me and 2 others, and compiled together by me.
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Thire appears in the base, on the teleport pad, and begins to laugh, and a blue glow comes from his eyes, then fades off, he pulls out his gun and shoots at the controls, and all the clones point guns at him
Thire: I blocked your weapon system!
A clone with red rank markings (like thires) pulls out a small disc and puts it on his wrist. He then presses it, and a laser zaps into Thire, who then collapses.
Clone (r): Dark Side energies, must be from Illum. Wipe his mind and memories, and then use him as a embryo for his replacement.
Clone #1: Ok sir.
clone walks off
Clone #2: The Dark side energies have vanished, there heading for Rhen Var!
Jedi General: Ulic Quel Droma was one of the most recent residents of that place, 3000 years ago, he died when he was shot by Hoggon, and his spirit was then sighted back on Illum, watching his unofficial apprentice, Vima Sunrider train. Then he vanished, and has only been seen as a spirit in lightsaber crystals. He was a fallen jedi, who became sith lord, but got redeemed. I think the energies are his spirit, and the dark jedi have awoken him, and forced him back to the dark side.
Clone (r): It is reccomended that you go to hunt him down Master Perwar?
Perwar: Yes, barricade the area with gunners, shoot at all unidentified ships immediatly!
Scene 2: Starfighter landing
A Red starfighter (like Obi-Wans Ep2 one) flies towards the planet, then it lands. A blue figure like a force ghost walks up to it.
Perwar: Master Droma, Why did you wake up?
Ghost: the fire warrio-rs...
Perwar: It cant be, they were destroyed a century after the sith.
Ghost: The warriors spirits have affected the jedi order... the dark side is in a jedi apprentice of the republic....
Perwar: What?
The ghost turns red, and then pulls out Dromas saber into the ghosts hand, then the ghost turns into a hooded figure, who ignites the saber, and Perwar pulls out his, and he then slices at the ghost, but it goes threw him. The ghost roars, and turns into a red gas, which flies threw Perwar, who collapses, and the ghost burns up.
Perwar: What?
Cracks start to appear in the floor, and fire burns out from them, then a green laser hits the planet, and it explodes.
Scene 2: Seperatist base,
Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, Greivous, Rune Haako and Poggle the Lesser are sat round a table, with a map of the galaxy on the table, and holograms showing where there forces are.
Count Dooku: Plan Zetla is ready, we have already tested the main guns on the planet Rhen Var, and stole the powers of the Fire Warriors and Master Droma, to use them to power it,
A hologram appears on count dookus wrist, Darth Sidious,
Poggle: Its the maste-er!
Count Dooku: Yes, Lord Sidious?
Sidious: Clone Forces have missiled down Zetla, and it will take another... 5 years to rebuild, and another 13 to finish and charge. Also, The 3 main droid bases have been taken down, and we have lost the main supplies,
there is a explosion on the hologram, Sidious falls down, and they see a blast go over him.
Poggle: We Can Rebuild the Geonosian Factori-es!
Nute: Theve taken sidious!
Greivous: I am head of Droids, I order you to rebuild the droid factories lord dooku!
Rune: We need to send all forces to take sidious back! Were defeated...
Scene 3: On the other side off the base
A slab off ceiling falls down, and a lightsabre deignites, 2 jedi fall down, Plo Koon and Mace Windu.
Mace: We need to get to the meeting room, The droids have taken the chancellor, and the cloning facilitys have been taken offline!
Plo: Quick
Scene 4: Meeting Room
Dooku: Silence! We can build another geonosis factory, and quickly start Zetla 2,
Rune: There is jedi forces detected outside off the room!
Plo and Mace break in, and they pull out there sabers, Mace then walks towards Dooku, and Plo towards greivous, they then grab them and push them against the wall.
Mace: Wheres the Chancellor?
Dooku: Wheres my master?
Mace: We took him down, but the chacellor told us that you took down the clone forces.
Dooku: You took down our forces and operation Zetla!
Plo: Wait, both forces are offline, and both of our leaders have vanished. This is war over, or, truce, or everyone loses, We need to have a truce or both sides crumble!
Mace: Dooku, you need to sign a peace treaty or We will kill you.
Dooku pulls out his lightsaber, and slices at Mace, Who Blocks, then Greivous pulls out one off his and stabs Plo Koons arm,
Dooku: We never took down your forces, we just told them the war was over,
Mace: Because of that, we will kill you, and bring down the war. And we will win.
Dooku: (laughs) Idiot (uses lightning on mace, who flies back, and then climbs up)
Plo: Your the Idiot!
Plo hits Poggle with his saber, and Poggle collapses and his wings fall off, the geonosian guards appear, and Mace chops them down, and slices off Rune Haakos arm, and then lunges back at dooku, while the seperatists run, Mace lunges at dooku, and Plo slices down a droid. Greivous coughs and runs off. Mace then hits at dooku, and they fight, Plo slices his saber into the table and into the wall, then Plo fights dooku
Dooku: You wont destroy me!
Plo slices off dookus lightsaber arm, and takes the saber.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Torchwood XC E4 P1
Mickey gasped, and fell down, He was in a rain forest, and saw a Graske, presumably Gr'as teleport out, he then saw a crystal fall down in his place, he then pressed a button on the project indigo, but some hooded people with scythes walked up to him. He laughed, dropped a grenade and activated Indigo.
At the Hub the team began to upgrade some weapons with Graske Teleport technoligy, and set it locked to void. Mickey appeared and fell down. Andrew walked up to him, "Idiot!" He shouted, because he had landed on his gun, and then he picked it up, and shot it into mickey. Owen roared, and fired at Andrews leg, and Jack nodded. Owen Dragged him down to the vaults, and shoved him into a cage next to Janet. Ianto ran down, "Owen, Jack gave you permission to kill him!" he said, and Owen opened Andrews door. "Janet is very hungry!" He laughed, and put Andrew in the cage, but andrew kicked the glass down and pulled out a pistol, he had modified it at torchwood 2, and it could send laser bolts. He fired, and it burnt through Owen, and then he burnt up, then he shot at Janet, and ran Up.
Jack and Gwen had pulled out machine guns, and aimed at the door. Andrew shot threw the window, and knocked out Gwen, and then he fired again, killing Jack. "Jack, Stay Dead!" He shouted, and Dragged Jack into the Vaults, and shoved him in a weevil cell. He heard Ianto and Mickey comeing, and he Fired at the stairs, burning them, then he saw Ianto, and Ianto and Andrew both fired, Andrews shot Hit Ianto, and Iantos flew into the glass behind Andrew, smashing a cave, and the mickey appeared, and Andrew shot, knocking down mickey "Code 200 now?!" Andrew laughed, and walked away from the unconsious bodys, He ran to the main room, and slammed 2 levers and hit a Button, then He jumped onto the step. Then he ran, and turned round. He excpected to see a explosion, but then Jack rose from the Step with the Preacher Mark 2 gun which he got from mickey, and fired but it missed, and Andrew shot back, and hit the gun. The gun burnt up, and knocked jack unconsious again, and he laughed, and pulled out the Doom Crystal, with 6 other parts around it. Mickey had the last one, but he had took it off him. Then he activated his teleport and went to torchwood 9s base. He had invaded it, and Bilis manger had become the new boss.
"Ive placed tiny bombs around the hub, and I have the crystal!" He shouted, and placed the last peice on." He shouted, and the workers cheered, and Bilis put it into a small pod, which levitated it into a tube, it then it glowed. "The Abomination is ready!" Bilis shouted, and then a giant door opened, and they saw 5 abbadon like creatures, and one big one, and the cube grew and went into the big one, who absorbed it and grew!
The team had revived, and were repairing the Vaults, "I just read torchwood 2 was destroyed a month ago because they had a part of the crystal, now weve lost it, and there is strong rift current around torchwood nine, but they were destroyed last month. Theyre signals vanished, and were the last working torchwood, but something is magnatising the rifts energy!" Jack shouted, "The emp magnet, Andrew must have joined them, and just came here to take the cube and the emp!" Gwen said.
The abomination smashed down the walls of torchwood nine, the base was in the isle of man, and they were preparing to get it across. Bilis opened up a giant box, and the abomination walked into it, and then 20 helicopters flew it. They landed in london, and then it smashed out, four times the size of big ben, and it roared. The roar was sonically modified to dissolve stuff, and they took down most of london, and then it took down the surrounding areas, and soon it was in wales.
The torchwood team, decided to prepare the lasers they had used to take down the sycorax, and set it to fire at abomination at the fist chance. but then the abomination appeared, and it got hit by the lasers, and roared, and burnt down the cannon.