The Team ran upto the ware house, blamming guns around, and shot dead some weevils. "Jack, it is quite offensive to me killing people who worship me!" Owen shouted, "Thats why your not sacked. You make killing them easier!" Jack shouted, shooting down another bunch of weevils, Jack suddenly got blammed in the back, 10 times, and Owen turned round and looked at Andrew who was reloading his pistol, "Missed, I was aiming at that human one sorry!" Andrew said, and Jack climbed up. "Very funny, but he is not a weevil!" Jack shouted, and pressed a button on his Vortex Manipulator, Andrew got a small electric pulse. The Team had been sent there after a bunch of weevils had escaped into a warehouse, and killed its owner. Mickey had been sent threw the rift to get the Graskes Crystal.
Mickey gasped, and fell down, He was in a rain forest, and saw a Graske, presumably Gr'as teleport out, he then saw a crystal fall down in his place, he then pressed a button on the project indigo, but some hooded people with scythes walked up to him. He laughed, dropped a grenade and activated Indigo.
At the Hub the team began to upgrade some weapons with Graske Teleport technoligy, and set it locked to void. Mickey appeared and fell down. Andrew walked up to him, "Idiot!" He shouted, because he had landed on his gun, and then he picked it up, and shot it into mickey. Owen roared, and fired at Andrews leg, and Jack nodded. Owen Dragged him down to the vaults, and shoved him into a cage next to Janet. Ianto ran down, "Owen, Jack gave you permission to kill him!" he said, and Owen opened Andrews door. "Janet is very hungry!" He laughed, and put Andrew in the cage, but andrew kicked the glass down and pulled out a pistol, he had modified it at torchwood 2, and it could send laser bolts. He fired, and it burnt through Owen, and then he burnt up, then he shot at Janet, and ran Up.
Jack and Gwen had pulled out machine guns, and aimed at the door. Andrew shot threw the window, and knocked out Gwen, and then he fired again, killing Jack. "Jack, Stay Dead!" He shouted, and Dragged Jack into the Vaults, and shoved him in a weevil cell. He heard Ianto and Mickey comeing, and he Fired at the stairs, burning them, then he saw Ianto, and Ianto and Andrew both fired, Andrews shot Hit Ianto, and Iantos flew into the glass behind Andrew, smashing a cave, and the mickey appeared, and Andrew shot, knocking down mickey "Code 200 now?!" Andrew laughed, and walked away from the unconsious bodys, He ran to the main room, and slammed 2 levers and hit a Button, then He jumped onto the step. Then he ran, and turned round. He excpected to see a explosion, but then Jack rose from the Step with the Preacher Mark 2 gun which he got from mickey, and fired but it missed, and Andrew shot back, and hit the gun. The gun burnt up, and knocked jack unconsious again, and he laughed, and pulled out the Doom Crystal, with 6 other parts around it. Mickey had the last one, but he had took it off him. Then he activated his teleport and went to torchwood 9s base. He had invaded it, and Bilis manger had become the new boss.
"Ive placed tiny bombs around the hub, and I have the crystal!" He shouted, and placed the last peice on." He shouted, and the workers cheered, and Bilis put it into a small pod, which levitated it into a tube, it then it glowed. "The Abomination is ready!" Bilis shouted, and then a giant door opened, and they saw 5 abbadon like creatures, and one big one, and the cube grew and went into the big one, who absorbed it and grew!
The team had revived, and were repairing the Vaults, "I just read torchwood 2 was destroyed a month ago because they had a part of the crystal, now weve lost it, and there is strong rift current around torchwood nine, but they were destroyed last month. Theyre signals vanished, and were the last working torchwood, but something is magnatising the rifts energy!" Jack shouted, "The emp magnet, Andrew must have joined them, and just came here to take the cube and the emp!" Gwen said.
The abomination smashed down the walls of torchwood nine, the base was in the isle of man, and they were preparing to get it across. Bilis opened up a giant box, and the abomination walked into it, and then 20 helicopters flew it. They landed in london, and then it smashed out, four times the size of big ben, and it roared. The roar was sonically modified to dissolve stuff, and they took down most of london, and then it took down the surrounding areas, and soon it was in wales.
The torchwood team, decided to prepare the lasers they had used to take down the sycorax, and set it to fire at abomination at the fist chance. but then the abomination appeared, and it got hit by the lasers, and roared, and burnt down the cannon.

Notice Board
Even though it says we are on 42 posts, and i say its 49, it is because there is actually 49. Some of them are hidden bonuses. if you submit you get one of them. and a prize.
In 5 months, we have only had 3 authors, and 2 who i invited, so we are still hireing, you get a free 'Ive submitted' badge for your website, and added to my BFFB Awards, (Closing Date 1st of Jan), so for more information on how to submit, and win the BFFB Awards and get the prize and get the submitted badge (and a animated one if its for the awards) please look under the archives at the side. Thank you.
PS; Even if you think everyone else will do it so it wont matter if you do, what if they dont?!
In 5 months, we have only had 3 authors, and 2 who i invited, so we are still hireing, you get a free 'Ive submitted' badge for your website, and added to my BFFB Awards, (Closing Date 1st of Jan), so for more information on how to submit, and win the BFFB Awards and get the prize and get the submitted badge (and a animated one if its for the awards) please look under the archives at the side. Thank you.
PS; Even if you think everyone else will do it so it wont matter if you do, what if they dont?!
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Monday, 28 July 2008
Torchwood XC E3 P3
The team pulled out there pistols, and shot at the judoon, it hit the judoons eye, and knocked it unconsious, then they leapt onto the other judoon and Gwen shoved a dagger into its heart. On the Sontaran Space Ship, Jack Gasped, and pulled out the wire, and shoved it into the sontarans probic vents, and knocked them both out, then he opened up the comlink. "Ma-ho!" He shouted. "Fa-Wah!" The judoon replied, "Ho-Do-Yo-Spo-Juo?" Jack shouted, and closed the link. He phasered the sontarans into the antartic ocean, then phasered into the Hub.
Gwen and Owen, had Grabbed Gr-as F'is phaser, and Gwen started teleporting the others out, then herself. At the Hub they all landed on the floor, and then jack Teleported in, Followed By Gr'as F'i, Who then ripped off a cover on his phaser, and pressed a button, and 9 more appeared. "Take them to the void!" Gr'as Said, then Owen roared. Weevils ran in from the basement and attacked, and graske shot them, they fell into dust, and Jack Shot down a graske, Then, the Team Grabbed phasers and teleported out.
They landed by the pavement slab, and ran from the slab. Graske came up from it, followed by more, and then another 50 teleported from nowhere, and began shooting innocent people, The Team Ran, and Shot down 3 more graske, then A sontaran ship flew Down, with judoon ships. "The Shadow proclamations Secret force..." Jack said to the team, "The sontarans have found a way in, and now they are abusing there power!" Jack finished, and they shot at some more graske, 10 sontarans ran out of the ship, and the ship blew up. The Judoon had Shot it Down, and shot down 7 sontarans, who then shot at some of the Judoon, and Jack shot at there necks. They fell down, and a fire in the probic vent went and burnt up the Sontaran Troops.
The Graske Forces had now surrounded Torchwood, and then The judoon Teleported them to the moon. Gr'as F'i Walked up to the judoon, and Zapped them, as torchwood pulled up there Guns, and machine gunned some troops down, and jack used his vortex manipulator to send the torchwood team back to Cardiff, and they quickly pulled up a pavement slab and chucked in a bomb. They ran as Graske Teleported in, and shot down buildings, passerbys tried to fight them but then got burnt into dust, "This is impossible!" Jack shouted, as he shot at the graske with his machine gun, since there was still only 200 left, and they detonated the bomb, and then took down 50 more, Mickey shot at the leader, and then got shot, jack grabbed the leaders gun and pressed undo, and then called in UNIT. "Unit, We are way higher than you, the government and police but... we need help..." Jack said, and UNIT teleported in, with stolen Sontaran teleports. "Project indigo is functional. Destroy the graske!" The UNIT commander ordered. and shot at the graske but then got pulled into the void.
Gr'as F'i was laughing as he took down more humans, then he ran to Mickey, and leapt on his back, and climbed up his Neck, then another 2 graske grabbed at mickeys feet, Gr'as F'i flicked a switch on his phaser, and shot at a unit trooper, the trooper gasped and then slumped, then he fired into mickey, who slowly went unconsious, Jack then ran up to him and Gr'as F'i looked up, and Jack raised his pistol, and shot Gr'as F'i, and then used a phaser on him. Gr'as F'i had been teleported to the other side of the world, defensless and injured. And he stumbled around, before he collapsed and was dying by a Pool.
Torchwood had Forced unit to clear the area, and then grenaded down the last graske. They ran to mickey, who had a dead Graske slumped over him. "The glove..." he whispered, and then fell unconsious. "He wants the ressurection glove?" Owen said, "Francine!" Everyone shouted, and Jack ran to the Little Fortune Teller girl who was convineantly stood watching the whole time. "the glove is..." she said and gave jack 3 cards. a picture of a knight, a tower and a glove. He turned round, and saw the waterfall tower. They had recently built knight statue there. And Jack then pulled the arm off and threw it to francine.
Francine put the glove on and touched Mickey. Mickey then woke up, and punched francine, who started to look older. "I meant we need it on Ianto, he had secrets we needed to know, kill me!" Mickey said, and shot himself in the foot. Later, in the hub they woke up Ianto, "Whos she, if shes my 80 yr old replacement fire her!" Ianto shouted. Francine chucked the glove at jack and walked off, and slowly slumped over, just as she was walking out of the autopsy room, she fell down and landed on the floor and fell unconsious. "Its draining her power!" Ianto laughed, "Thats why we chose her!" Mickey said, "Oh, I realised, that Gr'as F'i, this little midgit dude, graske, there boss, might have a crystal, I noticed some graske in a quarry, so find the graske. find there leader and kill him." Ianto said. "And also, you must place them around the doom crystal, before it awakes abbadon. Then just tell him that AAARRRGHHH!" Ianto said, and died. The team walked off. "Helpfull!" Jack said sarcasticaly. "I heard that!" Ianto shouted, "Owen.2!" Mickey laughed, but Owen punched him.
Later They were chasing a blowfish, jack shot down the SUV window and fired at the tires, the car stopped and drove into a tree. then it glowed, jack ran upto it, and found a graske inside the car, eating the fish "Jack?!" it shouted, and fired his phaser, and jack slumped. The team machine gunned at the car, then tons of graske appeared, Jack revived and chucked a bomb down onto the floor, it blew up the street, and then the graske fell down, Jack then ripped the Gr'as F'is head off, and ran back to the SUV, "Whole of Cardiff has been sealled off now we fought off the graske! This is a code 200!" Jack said, "NO!" Ianto shouted. "Whats that Jack?!" Gwen shouted. "A code 200 is when there has been a problem in the hub for 45 or more minutes, and now that there has been a problem around the Hub area, for 45 minutes, with the same people slash species it can be destroyed!" Ianto said, and they ran back to the plass, and saw a Torchwood 2 helicopter land. "Cpt, Your Fired!" a man in a helmet said, pulling off his helmet. "Andy?!" Jack shouted, "And we have earn permission to execute your team for destruction of landmarks." Andrew pulled out a pistol, "Good bye!" he laughed, "MR BOND!" Ianto laughed, and kicked Andrew in the neck, "Sorry Andrew Bond!" Jack said, and they dragged him onto the slab, while jack pulled the explosives they would use to destroy the hub into Andrews helicopter, and drove it up, He slabbed the explosives onto the wall then pressed the explode button, the helicopter exploded, and jack fell down onto the slab, and died for the 4000th time.
Owen was tying Andy to the Autopsy Table, and Jack had a Gun on the table ready to shoot at Andrew. "Jack, I am sorry!" Andrew shouted. "Who is he?" Owen asked, "He works for Torchwood 2, and he slaughtered my old team and me, then apparently killed himself, but the last was only a red paintball pellet, and he snuck off to Torchwood 2, pretending it was the weevils." Jack explained, "Ok, I am sorry, I want to work under your command again!" He shouted, and Jack put a small plaster on his arm, "That will explode if I command it too! you have a second chance!" Jack shouted and shot at the straps on Andy.
Gwen and Owen, had Grabbed Gr-as F'is phaser, and Gwen started teleporting the others out, then herself. At the Hub they all landed on the floor, and then jack Teleported in, Followed By Gr'as F'i, Who then ripped off a cover on his phaser, and pressed a button, and 9 more appeared. "Take them to the void!" Gr'as Said, then Owen roared. Weevils ran in from the basement and attacked, and graske shot them, they fell into dust, and Jack Shot down a graske, Then, the Team Grabbed phasers and teleported out.
They landed by the pavement slab, and ran from the slab. Graske came up from it, followed by more, and then another 50 teleported from nowhere, and began shooting innocent people, The Team Ran, and Shot down 3 more graske, then A sontaran ship flew Down, with judoon ships. "The Shadow proclamations Secret force..." Jack said to the team, "The sontarans have found a way in, and now they are abusing there power!" Jack finished, and they shot at some more graske, 10 sontarans ran out of the ship, and the ship blew up. The Judoon had Shot it Down, and shot down 7 sontarans, who then shot at some of the Judoon, and Jack shot at there necks. They fell down, and a fire in the probic vent went and burnt up the Sontaran Troops.
The Graske Forces had now surrounded Torchwood, and then The judoon Teleported them to the moon. Gr'as F'i Walked up to the judoon, and Zapped them, as torchwood pulled up there Guns, and machine gunned some troops down, and jack used his vortex manipulator to send the torchwood team back to Cardiff, and they quickly pulled up a pavement slab and chucked in a bomb. They ran as Graske Teleported in, and shot down buildings, passerbys tried to fight them but then got burnt into dust, "This is impossible!" Jack shouted, as he shot at the graske with his machine gun, since there was still only 200 left, and they detonated the bomb, and then took down 50 more, Mickey shot at the leader, and then got shot, jack grabbed the leaders gun and pressed undo, and then called in UNIT. "Unit, We are way higher than you, the government and police but... we need help..." Jack said, and UNIT teleported in, with stolen Sontaran teleports. "Project indigo is functional. Destroy the graske!" The UNIT commander ordered. and shot at the graske but then got pulled into the void.
Gr'as F'i was laughing as he took down more humans, then he ran to Mickey, and leapt on his back, and climbed up his Neck, then another 2 graske grabbed at mickeys feet, Gr'as F'i flicked a switch on his phaser, and shot at a unit trooper, the trooper gasped and then slumped, then he fired into mickey, who slowly went unconsious, Jack then ran up to him and Gr'as F'i looked up, and Jack raised his pistol, and shot Gr'as F'i, and then used a phaser on him. Gr'as F'i had been teleported to the other side of the world, defensless and injured. And he stumbled around, before he collapsed and was dying by a Pool.
Torchwood had Forced unit to clear the area, and then grenaded down the last graske. They ran to mickey, who had a dead Graske slumped over him. "The glove..." he whispered, and then fell unconsious. "He wants the ressurection glove?" Owen said, "Francine!" Everyone shouted, and Jack ran to the Little Fortune Teller girl who was convineantly stood watching the whole time. "the glove is..." she said and gave jack 3 cards. a picture of a knight, a tower and a glove. He turned round, and saw the waterfall tower. They had recently built knight statue there. And Jack then pulled the arm off and threw it to francine.
Francine put the glove on and touched Mickey. Mickey then woke up, and punched francine, who started to look older. "I meant we need it on Ianto, he had secrets we needed to know, kill me!" Mickey said, and shot himself in the foot. Later, in the hub they woke up Ianto, "Whos she, if shes my 80 yr old replacement fire her!" Ianto shouted. Francine chucked the glove at jack and walked off, and slowly slumped over, just as she was walking out of the autopsy room, she fell down and landed on the floor and fell unconsious. "Its draining her power!" Ianto laughed, "Thats why we chose her!" Mickey said, "Oh, I realised, that Gr'as F'i, this little midgit dude, graske, there boss, might have a crystal, I noticed some graske in a quarry, so find the graske. find there leader and kill him." Ianto said. "And also, you must place them around the doom crystal, before it awakes abbadon. Then just tell him that AAARRRGHHH!" Ianto said, and died. The team walked off. "Helpfull!" Jack said sarcasticaly. "I heard that!" Ianto shouted, "Owen.2!" Mickey laughed, but Owen punched him.
Later They were chasing a blowfish, jack shot down the SUV window and fired at the tires, the car stopped and drove into a tree. then it glowed, jack ran upto it, and found a graske inside the car, eating the fish "Jack?!" it shouted, and fired his phaser, and jack slumped. The team machine gunned at the car, then tons of graske appeared, Jack revived and chucked a bomb down onto the floor, it blew up the street, and then the graske fell down, Jack then ripped the Gr'as F'is head off, and ran back to the SUV, "Whole of Cardiff has been sealled off now we fought off the graske! This is a code 200!" Jack said, "NO!" Ianto shouted. "Whats that Jack?!" Gwen shouted. "A code 200 is when there has been a problem in the hub for 45 or more minutes, and now that there has been a problem around the Hub area, for 45 minutes, with the same people slash species it can be destroyed!" Ianto said, and they ran back to the plass, and saw a Torchwood 2 helicopter land. "Cpt, Your Fired!" a man in a helmet said, pulling off his helmet. "Andy?!" Jack shouted, "And we have earn permission to execute your team for destruction of landmarks." Andrew pulled out a pistol, "Good bye!" he laughed, "MR BOND!" Ianto laughed, and kicked Andrew in the neck, "Sorry Andrew Bond!" Jack said, and they dragged him onto the slab, while jack pulled the explosives they would use to destroy the hub into Andrews helicopter, and drove it up, He slabbed the explosives onto the wall then pressed the explode button, the helicopter exploded, and jack fell down onto the slab, and died for the 4000th time.
Owen was tying Andy to the Autopsy Table, and Jack had a Gun on the table ready to shoot at Andrew. "Jack, I am sorry!" Andrew shouted. "Who is he?" Owen asked, "He works for Torchwood 2, and he slaughtered my old team and me, then apparently killed himself, but the last was only a red paintball pellet, and he snuck off to Torchwood 2, pretending it was the weevils." Jack explained, "Ok, I am sorry, I want to work under your command again!" He shouted, and Jack put a small plaster on his arm, "That will explode if I command it too! you have a second chance!" Jack shouted and shot at the straps on Andy.
Torchwood XC E3 P2
At the Hub, The Team had located a rift splutter in the hub basement, and they quickly ran there. they pulled out there pistols and looked, a weevil had came there from a rift splutter, and owen roared at it, and it cowered, then the team shot it to death. "This place has got sheilds from rift attacks, so that wasnt just sent her by accident," Gwen said, and looked under the weevil, and saw some ashes, "Thats teleport excess!" Jack shouted, "That was sent her as a diversion for someone to come in..." "Intruder Window..." Owen laughed, and pointed up the stairs, and they saw a graske climb in from a window. "Since when did we have windows..." Jack said. "Just a terrible comic attempt." Owen said, and they fired at the graske, and ran up, the graske faded out. "A hologram!" Mickey said, and they returned to the hub.
The pterodactyl was flying around the Hub, and they were looking at the computer screens. Then a face appeared on the screen, "SONTARAN!" Jack shouted, and the Sontaran laughed. "So, Commander... wrong signal. Bye!" and it vanished, Jack unplugged the phaser, and fired at himself.
He saw 3 sonatarans, stood round a screen, and he snuck up behind them, and looked at the screen, "Mo-ho-s-klo!" a voice from the screen shouted, "MA-HO!" A sontaran replied, and a troop turned round and shot at jack, who identified them as judoon before he fell down.
The hub had hacked into the cam system and watched, they saw a sontaran shoot jack and he fell down. "Judoon." Owen said, "Ma-ho General Lyox. Ho-Jo-Ma-Do!" the judoon commander shouted. "Ha-Ho! Ma-He-Po-ho!" The sontaran replied, and then his screen flickered off, and the Judoon screen faded off. "Ive translated that, it was, Thank you General Lyox, Our Graske are ready. Then Lyox said Yes Thanks, we are preparing for... then it cut off." Mickey said, then there was a boom, and they turned round, and Saw Gr'as F'i and 2 Judoon, and The Graske Shot his phaser at torchwood, and they landed in a desert. "Ma-Ho-Jo!" The judoon shouted, and the graske nodded. "Torchwood. Crime: Destructions of species. Sentence: Execution!" The Graske laughed.
The pterodactyl was flying around the Hub, and they were looking at the computer screens. Then a face appeared on the screen, "SONTARAN!" Jack shouted, and the Sontaran laughed. "So, Commander... wrong signal. Bye!" and it vanished, Jack unplugged the phaser, and fired at himself.
He saw 3 sonatarans, stood round a screen, and he snuck up behind them, and looked at the screen, "Mo-ho-s-klo!" a voice from the screen shouted, "MA-HO!" A sontaran replied, and a troop turned round and shot at jack, who identified them as judoon before he fell down.
The hub had hacked into the cam system and watched, they saw a sontaran shoot jack and he fell down. "Judoon." Owen said, "Ma-ho General Lyox. Ho-Jo-Ma-Do!" the judoon commander shouted. "Ha-Ho! Ma-He-Po-ho!" The sontaran replied, and then his screen flickered off, and the Judoon screen faded off. "Ive translated that, it was, Thank you General Lyox, Our Graske are ready. Then Lyox said Yes Thanks, we are preparing for... then it cut off." Mickey said, then there was a boom, and they turned round, and Saw Gr'as F'i and 2 Judoon, and The Graske Shot his phaser at torchwood, and they landed in a desert. "Ma-Ho-Jo!" The judoon shouted, and the graske nodded. "Torchwood. Crime: Destructions of species. Sentence: Execution!" The Graske laughed.
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Torchwood XC E3 P1
Weeks Later, The Team had noticed that Unusual Amounts of Rift energy were being spitted out at a Quarry in south wales, and Mickey and Owen Were sent to investigate, because most of the workers had vanished, but some had slipped while running from something. "Abandonned Quarrys, people with guns and torches... I am guessing that this will turn into a predictable shoot them up with aliens after someone falls down a ed..." Mickey said, and fell down a edge, Owen Jumped, and pulled out his pistol, and saw a small thing, with a head that looked like a orange man with a jokers hat burnt into him, "Graske!" Owen shouted, Mickey climbed up, and a orange beam flashed into him and he vanished, and Owen looked round, and saw a Graske with a Red phaser and orange arm strap on his arm, and 3 more, with red arm straps walked behind him. The Orange strap pointed at Owen, and the others nodded, and pulled out there phasers, and Owen pulled out his gun. They shot, Owen knocked down the leader, and ducked, and 3 rocks got teleported.
The SUV was racing a Van down the M4 motorway, and Jack was sticking his head out the window, and was machine gunning the vans tires, The van stopped, and the back doors slammed open, and Weevils ran out, "Gwen, knock them down!" Jack Shouted, firing at the weevils, he got in and the SUV slammed into the weevils, and then Jack leapt out and shot at the wheels, and ran to the driver, "No Weevil Export, you cannot escape torchwood." Jack said to the man, who jumped out the window and kicked jack in the nose, and the driver grabbed his gun. Jack pulled out his Webber, and they both fired, but the webbers bullet bounced off the other and into a tree, and the drivers hit jacks leg, Jack fired another and fell down. The driver was hit in the arm, and Gwen put him into the SUV with the Dead Weevils, Francine Got out of the SUV, and grabbed the mans pistol, "Jack, I quit!" She shouted, and shot herself in the head.
Mickey woke up, he was in a small pod, and he grabbed his pistol from the floor, and shot at the window, it smashed, he climbed out, and saw tons of graske running about, and he stepped back in, and fired at some control panels, and a Orange Strap got hit by the blast, it ignited his armour, and then Mickey ran up to a teleport chamber, and was about to press a button but got zapped to the cell again, and then he chucked a gas bomb, and put the graskes orange strap round his mouth, while the Graskes choked, then he ran to the teleports, and went out. He landed back in the quarry, and saw Owen with a phaser, and he was finishing off the last 2 graske, because he had got the orange strap captive in there van, and used his phaser to send back another one. Mickey ran up to him, and threw them both onto the ground, and they saw another Squad behind them, with green straps. "Commandos!" Mickey shouted, and ran upto them, and they pulled out there phasers, Mickey decided to chuck a rock at them, and took down 1 of them, and grabbed there gun, and shot at it, and it got sent back.
The Graske General was watching on a screen. "Humans! Take there planet into the void!" it roared angrily as Mickey and Owen Sent back forces.
Owen grabbed the Graskes Squad Captain, and tied it up. "Mickey, go into the Graske planet, find out what they want!" he shouted, and mickey grabbed the leaders phaser, and looked at the control panel, and set it to Command Room. And fired into his head.
The Graske General was flicking switches, preparing Earths destruction, and then Mickey Appeared. "Human!" Graske General Shouted. "Shut up midgit!" he replied, and then fired at the doors control panel and then The graske Generals controls. "Ok, Midgit, what do you want?!" He shouted, as the doors slammed down. "You Humans must be destroyed!" It replied, "Whatever, but why." Mickey shouted, "Revenge! UNIT and Torchwood have took down our main forces on Griffoth, so we have made a rift leak in Wales to get near to torchwood, and destroy them!" the Graske Shouted, then Captain Jack appeared, and grabbed a phaser from the table, and fired at mickey. "Graske, We command you to lea... Oh, Hi, General Gr'as F'i!" Jack shouted. "Torchwood!" The general replied, "We are taking your planet into the void!" Gr'as Shouted, "No! it was not us who took your planet into the void, it was the Doctor, and now your his enemies, your enemys of torchwood, and for the Doctor, I am destroying you!" Jack shouted, and pulled down a big lever and slammed a button, then a siren started, and the room got a red glow. then the entire Space ship imploded Jack Screamed, and shot himself with the phaser.
The Team were at the Quarry, and then the workers appeared, and then there was a small explosion in the sky, then Jack appeared, and rolled down a edge. The team ran down, and looked at him, he had teleported out of being murdered by the explosion. Miles Away in a abbadoned ware house, 10 graske teleported in, Gr'as F'i then teleported in last, and looked at the quarry from miles away, and Screamed, and jumped up and down angrily.
The SUV was racing a Van down the M4 motorway, and Jack was sticking his head out the window, and was machine gunning the vans tires, The van stopped, and the back doors slammed open, and Weevils ran out, "Gwen, knock them down!" Jack Shouted, firing at the weevils, he got in and the SUV slammed into the weevils, and then Jack leapt out and shot at the wheels, and ran to the driver, "No Weevil Export, you cannot escape torchwood." Jack said to the man, who jumped out the window and kicked jack in the nose, and the driver grabbed his gun. Jack pulled out his Webber, and they both fired, but the webbers bullet bounced off the other and into a tree, and the drivers hit jacks leg, Jack fired another and fell down. The driver was hit in the arm, and Gwen put him into the SUV with the Dead Weevils, Francine Got out of the SUV, and grabbed the mans pistol, "Jack, I quit!" She shouted, and shot herself in the head.
Mickey woke up, he was in a small pod, and he grabbed his pistol from the floor, and shot at the window, it smashed, he climbed out, and saw tons of graske running about, and he stepped back in, and fired at some control panels, and a Orange Strap got hit by the blast, it ignited his armour, and then Mickey ran up to a teleport chamber, and was about to press a button but got zapped to the cell again, and then he chucked a gas bomb, and put the graskes orange strap round his mouth, while the Graskes choked, then he ran to the teleports, and went out. He landed back in the quarry, and saw Owen with a phaser, and he was finishing off the last 2 graske, because he had got the orange strap captive in there van, and used his phaser to send back another one. Mickey ran up to him, and threw them both onto the ground, and they saw another Squad behind them, with green straps. "Commandos!" Mickey shouted, and ran upto them, and they pulled out there phasers, Mickey decided to chuck a rock at them, and took down 1 of them, and grabbed there gun, and shot at it, and it got sent back.
The Graske General was watching on a screen. "Humans! Take there planet into the void!" it roared angrily as Mickey and Owen Sent back forces.
Owen grabbed the Graskes Squad Captain, and tied it up. "Mickey, go into the Graske planet, find out what they want!" he shouted, and mickey grabbed the leaders phaser, and looked at the control panel, and set it to Command Room. And fired into his head.
The Graske General was flicking switches, preparing Earths destruction, and then Mickey Appeared. "Human!" Graske General Shouted. "Shut up midgit!" he replied, and then fired at the doors control panel and then The graske Generals controls. "Ok, Midgit, what do you want?!" He shouted, as the doors slammed down. "You Humans must be destroyed!" It replied, "Whatever, but why." Mickey shouted, "Revenge! UNIT and Torchwood have took down our main forces on Griffoth, so we have made a rift leak in Wales to get near to torchwood, and destroy them!" the Graske Shouted, then Captain Jack appeared, and grabbed a phaser from the table, and fired at mickey. "Graske, We command you to lea... Oh, Hi, General Gr'as F'i!" Jack shouted. "Torchwood!" The general replied, "We are taking your planet into the void!" Gr'as Shouted, "No! it was not us who took your planet into the void, it was the Doctor, and now your his enemies, your enemys of torchwood, and for the Doctor, I am destroying you!" Jack shouted, and pulled down a big lever and slammed a button, then a siren started, and the room got a red glow. then the entire Space ship imploded Jack Screamed, and shot himself with the phaser.
The Team were at the Quarry, and then the workers appeared, and then there was a small explosion in the sky, then Jack appeared, and rolled down a edge. The team ran down, and looked at him, he had teleported out of being murdered by the explosion. Miles Away in a abbadoned ware house, 10 graske teleported in, Gr'as F'i then teleported in last, and looked at the quarry from miles away, and Screamed, and jumped up and down angrily.
Torchwood XC E2 P3
It all froze. The debris piled down, and it just froze, The team laughed, and jack ran to the platform, with the others, and they acsended, "Tosh had made a time lock, and it froze it, so it is designed to let us out then release it, down, so basically, weve caught out bilis." Jack Said, and the floor rumbled and collapsed, and Bilis appeared, on the rubble. "Hello, Torchwood, youve escaped, so now i have just got the remains, and created the Doom Crystal, and Abbaddon Returns!" Bilis laughed, and vanished, and then the Millenium stadium began to fall into peices, and Abbadon appeared from out of the remains, and the team began jumping from the remains, as abbadons power had stregnthened, and began to dissolve the entire of the Roald Dahl Plass, and they got into the SUV, and sped off, "Its too powerful, it will dissolve your DNA and Atoms in the space of a milisecond, it would destroy and kill me, for ever!" Jack shouted, and they looked back and saw the burnt off plass, and the burnt up hub.
The beast stopped, and then the SUV slowly halted, and they looked, and saw a large glow were the rifts crack was, and Abbadon stared into it. "NNOO!" Jack shouted! and the rifts glow slowly vanished, "The Rift has been destroyed, and the rift is a Vortex echoe, and that slowly goes into the vortex, and that means since this rift is destroyed, it takes earth out of the continum. But also that means Abbadon has absorbed its power, and now its unbeatable. Only A Tardis could stop it, but the tardis will now be stuck near Event one, being pushed there by the Vortex closing. so in a second, the vortex will slowly come out from abbadon to kill us all!" Jack shouted, and Abbadon Blinked, the Vortex came out of his eyes and mouth, and he roared, the vortex consumed were the rift was, and then it blew up, the rifts energy flew into the air, and Jack, Mickey, Owen and Gwen pulled out big Sci Fi alien Guns, and shot at Abbadon, burning him up, and Jack ran up to the Crack, "Its wounds from moving earth from the Medusa Cascade, which broke the medusa cascade, and it has entered the atmosphere, and this is the only way to stop it!" Jack Shouted, and Jumped into the Crack, the vortex gases flew in after him, and then there was a glow, and everything returned to normal.
"Jack Removed himself and Abbadon from Earths Time cycle, and stopped bilis manger from producing abbadon, so that means Jack survives while Abbadon Dies," Mickey Realised, and told the team, and then Drove back to the Plass, and Saw Jack, Dead on the step, and saw him slowly go down into the hub, The team drove the SUV onto the Step, and it descended, and they Jack, rolling down the steps, and stopped in the Autopsy Room, and Died. Then There was a flash, and they turned, and saw John Hart appear, this time not as a Hologram, and he laughed.
"Torchwood, He has got Vortex Poisoning, and he might take a while to heal, so just wait, and By he is awake I didnt mean abbadon, and it aint the doom crystal your looking for, thats just a bit to hold it together, Jack Realised that when he went into the vortex, and he kept the doom crystal, because he knew abbadon was holding another part of the Crystal of..." Then a blue ray flashed into John, and he vanished, The team looked round, and saw that Jack had used his Sonic Blaster on Johns Vortex Manipulator, and he climbed up. "He had a Vortex Gun, I would tell you more, but I need shoving in the morgue, since I will take a while to recover, and abbadon was just a Drone, the worst is still getting charged..." Jack gasped, and fell down, he had opened up the tray next to Grays tray, and he collapsed, and fell into it. The Tray closed itself, and it glowed, and teleported Jack to the Morgue.
The beast stopped, and then the SUV slowly halted, and they looked, and saw a large glow were the rifts crack was, and Abbadon stared into it. "NNOO!" Jack shouted! and the rifts glow slowly vanished, "The Rift has been destroyed, and the rift is a Vortex echoe, and that slowly goes into the vortex, and that means since this rift is destroyed, it takes earth out of the continum. But also that means Abbadon has absorbed its power, and now its unbeatable. Only A Tardis could stop it, but the tardis will now be stuck near Event one, being pushed there by the Vortex closing. so in a second, the vortex will slowly come out from abbadon to kill us all!" Jack shouted, and Abbadon Blinked, the Vortex came out of his eyes and mouth, and he roared, the vortex consumed were the rift was, and then it blew up, the rifts energy flew into the air, and Jack, Mickey, Owen and Gwen pulled out big Sci Fi alien Guns, and shot at Abbadon, burning him up, and Jack ran up to the Crack, "Its wounds from moving earth from the Medusa Cascade, which broke the medusa cascade, and it has entered the atmosphere, and this is the only way to stop it!" Jack Shouted, and Jumped into the Crack, the vortex gases flew in after him, and then there was a glow, and everything returned to normal.
"Jack Removed himself and Abbadon from Earths Time cycle, and stopped bilis manger from producing abbadon, so that means Jack survives while Abbadon Dies," Mickey Realised, and told the team, and then Drove back to the Plass, and Saw Jack, Dead on the step, and saw him slowly go down into the hub, The team drove the SUV onto the Step, and it descended, and they Jack, rolling down the steps, and stopped in the Autopsy Room, and Died. Then There was a flash, and they turned, and saw John Hart appear, this time not as a Hologram, and he laughed.
"Torchwood, He has got Vortex Poisoning, and he might take a while to heal, so just wait, and By he is awake I didnt mean abbadon, and it aint the doom crystal your looking for, thats just a bit to hold it together, Jack Realised that when he went into the vortex, and he kept the doom crystal, because he knew abbadon was holding another part of the Crystal of..." Then a blue ray flashed into John, and he vanished, The team looked round, and saw that Jack had used his Sonic Blaster on Johns Vortex Manipulator, and he climbed up. "He had a Vortex Gun, I would tell you more, but I need shoving in the morgue, since I will take a while to recover, and abbadon was just a Drone, the worst is still getting charged..." Jack gasped, and fell down, he had opened up the tray next to Grays tray, and he collapsed, and fell into it. The Tray closed itself, and it glowed, and teleported Jack to the Morgue.
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Torchwood XC E2 P2
The Team of Mickey, Francine, Jack, Owen, Gwen and 5 weevils went to chiswick, and arrived at the location, and jack realised, "This is DoctorDonnas house!?!" and gasped, and Wilf ran out, "Torchwood, Its those Things! like the prime minister!" and then a poison dart hit his neck, the house burnt up, and saw slyvia, with Raxocoricallfallapitorian arms and head, then finally, the body, "We got rid of the skin suit!" She laughed, then Francine sniffed, and laughed. "you noob is pwned!" then threw a pile of chips at the thing, and it exploded, and the neck peice fell down, jack grabbed it, and opened the pink hatch on the front, and pulled out a small box, and opened it. Then, a ticking sound started, and jack realised what it was. "Someone has sent this to distract us, then raid the Hub, and kill us!" and then it exploded, it knocked down all the buildings in Chiswick, and almost everyone died, but the team stood up. "Time locked!" Laughed Jack, then they walked out, but it broke the time lock and the explosion blasted them down.
The team were only unconsious, as it was only the echoe of the blast, and then the box opened, and they saw a figure, and then it faded into Bilis Manger,
"Hello, Torchwood, You stopped Abbadon. Idiots. As my revenge I have spread the doom crystal into 7 parts, and it has now magnatised, the EMP magnet has sucked it into the Hub, and it will unleash Abbadon for the Final Time, and, your mission if you want to or not, is to stop me. and the box will explode in a second Francine." then the box blew up and killed francine, then a shard slowly flew in the direction of the hub, and jack jumped up and grabbed it, then shot it with his webber pistol, and shoved the remains into the box, which kept blowing up.
Back at the Hub the team saw the Doom crystal, and laughed, since they had destroyed the last peice of it. Mickey Gasped.
"that was a trick, he knew that jack would get that peice, and then destroy it, so that we would come back here and bin the crystal, so he placed a bomb in the base, to raid it, like jack said, it was a trick inside a trick inside a trick to blow us up!" Mickey shouted, "Stay here. he'll think well run, and the platform will explode after a short time limit." Gwen realised, and they turned, a laser shot up the platform, and it began to burn down the hub "And he knew you'd say that Gwen, so now were dead. Francine, Defence plan 8, We want coffee." Jack said,
The team were only unconsious, as it was only the echoe of the blast, and then the box opened, and they saw a figure, and then it faded into Bilis Manger,
"Hello, Torchwood, You stopped Abbadon. Idiots. As my revenge I have spread the doom crystal into 7 parts, and it has now magnatised, the EMP magnet has sucked it into the Hub, and it will unleash Abbadon for the Final Time, and, your mission if you want to or not, is to stop me. and the box will explode in a second Francine." then the box blew up and killed francine, then a shard slowly flew in the direction of the hub, and jack jumped up and grabbed it, then shot it with his webber pistol, and shoved the remains into the box, which kept blowing up.
Back at the Hub the team saw the Doom crystal, and laughed, since they had destroyed the last peice of it. Mickey Gasped.
"that was a trick, he knew that jack would get that peice, and then destroy it, so that we would come back here and bin the crystal, so he placed a bomb in the base, to raid it, like jack said, it was a trick inside a trick inside a trick to blow us up!" Mickey shouted, "Stay here. he'll think well run, and the platform will explode after a short time limit." Gwen realised, and they turned, a laser shot up the platform, and it began to burn down the hub "And he knew you'd say that Gwen, so now were dead. Francine, Defence plan 8, We want coffee." Jack said,
Torchwood XC E2 P1
In the Hub Ianto was being placed in the morgue, while Jack Scanned the blowfishes remains, then there was a flash of green, "Hi Cpt!" a voice shouted, "Great, we lose everyone and Mickey and Minnie Replace them." Gwen looked up and Saw Mickey and martha. Then a Anchor landed on Martha and Owen Weevil woke up from the sack and pressed a big red button and turned normal. "Ok much better!" shouted Gwen, getting her hands off the Emergancy martha removal button.
"Oi! what bout me!" Rose shouted from a Corner, and Everyone dived for the Death to rose button. then rose was burnt up. "Ok, We need to replace ianto, I want some coffee!" Jack shouted. Then Francine Jones Walked up with project indigo, "Ok Sorted!" Mickey Said, Then the doors to the torchwood vaults broke down, and Janet appeared, Owen roared, and then the other captured weevils appeared, and turned good, "Ok, now we need a weevil to get all of his sewered weevil mates to join us. Then make a weevil sewer base." Owen shouted
A week later the torchwood hub had now got a ladder into a sectioned of sewer area, and built owen a office in there, and bunkers for the weevils. Jack had located a crystal, it was time pocketed into the Rift. "Francine, make us some coffee!" Mickey shouted, giving jack the project Indigo Modified suit, it had rift traveling in built, and they had tracked the rifts entrance, and jack grinned. "Francine, your coffees bad, your fired!" he shouted and pressed a button, and he vanished. Then Adam (from Dalek/Longame) and his mum appeared. "Adam has info from the future, he needs a job here!" His mum said and walked onto were jack was, "Wire him into the computers mickey!" Gwen shouted, and Adam was dragged onto the platform, then got lowered down,
Jack floated around, the area was blank, but he could see slight parts of the time vortex, Weevils and Blowfishes floated from each, Jack then used a EMP magnet to disable the Blowfishes, and pulled them out of the rift with him, and into the HUB, then he Saw Adams head floating in a tank, on the computer system, and wires into his brain, and his mum shot dead and being dragged to the morgue. "Scan these fishes!" He shouted to owen, and then Mickey and owen began to burn them, and found another Holo Crystal and 1 more peice, split in 2, and Jack peiced it together with the 1st part, and then used the crystal.
"I have redirected this to a better version of the first hologram, bye!" John faded out then Reappeared
"Hi, its me again, you need to get them all now, before its too late, you need to mend the 13th crystal of ... before its too late because it is needed to stop the... its in 7 parts there is traces in ... and also you have one, but theres also one in the rift good luck, and you need to do this before ... awakes oops dodgy signal is fading. Cya,"
"No difference great!" Jack shouted, "Jack, there is traces of Krateen agents in Chiswick!" Gwen Shouted, "The Doctordonna..." Jack realised, and punched a dodgey wire and killed himself. "He will survive Mickey," Gwen said, as Jack woke up. "Ouch." he laughed, and then ran to the SUV.
"Oi! what bout me!" Rose shouted from a Corner, and Everyone dived for the Death to rose button. then rose was burnt up. "Ok, We need to replace ianto, I want some coffee!" Jack shouted. Then Francine Jones Walked up with project indigo, "Ok Sorted!" Mickey Said, Then the doors to the torchwood vaults broke down, and Janet appeared, Owen roared, and then the other captured weevils appeared, and turned good, "Ok, now we need a weevil to get all of his sewered weevil mates to join us. Then make a weevil sewer base." Owen shouted
A week later the torchwood hub had now got a ladder into a sectioned of sewer area, and built owen a office in there, and bunkers for the weevils. Jack had located a crystal, it was time pocketed into the Rift. "Francine, make us some coffee!" Mickey shouted, giving jack the project Indigo Modified suit, it had rift traveling in built, and they had tracked the rifts entrance, and jack grinned. "Francine, your coffees bad, your fired!" he shouted and pressed a button, and he vanished. Then Adam (from Dalek/Longame) and his mum appeared. "Adam has info from the future, he needs a job here!" His mum said and walked onto were jack was, "Wire him into the computers mickey!" Gwen shouted, and Adam was dragged onto the platform, then got lowered down,
Jack floated around, the area was blank, but he could see slight parts of the time vortex, Weevils and Blowfishes floated from each, Jack then used a EMP magnet to disable the Blowfishes, and pulled them out of the rift with him, and into the HUB, then he Saw Adams head floating in a tank, on the computer system, and wires into his brain, and his mum shot dead and being dragged to the morgue. "Scan these fishes!" He shouted to owen, and then Mickey and owen began to burn them, and found another Holo Crystal and 1 more peice, split in 2, and Jack peiced it together with the 1st part, and then used the crystal.
"I have redirected this to a better version of the first hologram, bye!" John faded out then Reappeared
"Hi, its me again, you need to get them all now, before its too late, you need to mend the 13th crystal of ... before its too late because it is needed to stop the... its in 7 parts there is traces in ... and also you have one, but theres also one in the rift good luck, and you need to do this before ... awakes oops dodgy signal is fading. Cya,"
"No difference great!" Jack shouted, "Jack, there is traces of Krateen agents in Chiswick!" Gwen Shouted, "The Doctordonna..." Jack realised, and punched a dodgey wire and killed himself. "He will survive Mickey," Gwen said, as Jack woke up. "Ouch." he laughed, and then ran to the SUV.
Torchwood XC E1 P3
The Blowfish looked up, "Ianto, im a fish, water heals me!" and some of the water flew into him, and he pulled out his gun, and shot Iantos foot, and Ianto gasped and fell down, "Gwen, Ive been shot, and i think i am about to drown, bye..." and he pulled out his, gun, crawled up, and The blowfish got his, and they shot, the blowfish had been hit in the heart and ianto in the body, knocking him backwards, and he fell, the fish didnt have enough time to heal, and his heart stopped.
Gwen shouted into the phone "IANTO!" and Jack came round the corner, "Ive scanned for him on the SUV, and his readings just went down, with another, the blowfish" Jack got the sack of dead weevils and threw it in the SUV, and then let Gwen in, "Go now and we can cover up the dead fish person before anyone finds it."
The SUV stopped next to the fish, and Jack used a match on it, and it burnt up. "That is almost the last of its kind, Ive found out most of them are Cyborgs, like the one when i met you again, and BannakaFallata, who the doctor told me about, they usually hold stuff, and when the fire burns out we will find out whats inside" then it stopped, and a blye flash appeared, and Gwen and jack were sent flying, and they saw a holographic form of Cpt John.
"Hi, its me again, you need to get them all now, before its too late, you need to mend the 13th cryst ... before its too late because... its in 7 parts there is some in ... and also you have one, but theres also one in ... good luck, and you need to do this before ... oops dodgy signal is fading. Cya,"
Gwen and Jack looked at each other and Grabbed the Projector and then Jack saw a small green and gold Shard, that could fit in a corner, "Ok, now we need 6 more of these crystals, before something unknown happens and we have a unknown time limit. Great."
Gwen shouted into the phone "IANTO!" and Jack came round the corner, "Ive scanned for him on the SUV, and his readings just went down, with another, the blowfish" Jack got the sack of dead weevils and threw it in the SUV, and then let Gwen in, "Go now and we can cover up the dead fish person before anyone finds it."
The SUV stopped next to the fish, and Jack used a match on it, and it burnt up. "That is almost the last of its kind, Ive found out most of them are Cyborgs, like the one when i met you again, and BannakaFallata, who the doctor told me about, they usually hold stuff, and when the fire burns out we will find out whats inside" then it stopped, and a blye flash appeared, and Gwen and jack were sent flying, and they saw a holographic form of Cpt John.
"Hi, its me again, you need to get them all now, before its too late, you need to mend the 13th cryst ... before its too late because... its in 7 parts there is some in ... and also you have one, but theres also one in ... good luck, and you need to do this before ... oops dodgy signal is fading. Cya,"
Gwen and Jack looked at each other and Grabbed the Projector and then Jack saw a small green and gold Shard, that could fit in a corner, "Ok, now we need 6 more of these crystals, before something unknown happens and we have a unknown time limit. Great."
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Scene 1: Ship
Jako: Your Attacks are all blocked!
Kamorik: 5
Jako: What...
Kamorik: 3
Jako: Wha..
Kamorik: 1!
A Bomb exploded under Jako, the sheilds disabled, the guns snapped and Jako fell unconsious.
Kamorik: Shove him into the Geonosis Power supply, then make it minimum power, then destroy the controls.
Thire: Yes General.
Scene 2: Illum
Later on that week, Thire had been given some new troops, and got Commando Training under Commando Apel, and they had been given a task to eliminate the forces in Ilum, which were trying to destroy it so the jedi lost the lightsaber crystals.
Thire: Apel, There is minor Force Activity in the caves, when it has been force feilded, i think that a Dark Jedi has got threw,
The Temple suddenly began to collapse, the bleeping on the scanner stopped and then a mushroom cloud of fire and smoke left the temple, and fireballs headed in all direction, and one was heading at the Ship for Thire, Apel and there squad,
Apel: Jump Thire!
Thire and Apel Jump as the fireball burns up the ship, trapping them.
Thire: We have lost our Coms Units, and our transport, and there is still another unprotected temple,
Apel: We need to get there but its on the other side of the planet,
Thire: Ill flag the area, and then we can get the flag by the other troops, who set up the force feild.
Apel: Fire!
Thire ignites the Flag and grabs it, and Apel grabs it aswell, they vanish,
Scene 4: Ilum pad
Thire and Apel Run out of a small sheilded off pad, and look up, they see the temple, and then see a door, and walk in, they then see a band off hooded figures, who turn, and send lightning into Apel, who then activates a sheild and the sheild reflects it into the figures, and one of them screams and begins to burn up.
Apel: Dark Jedi,
The fire like from the other temple starts, and then Apel gets hit, and falls down, Thire screams and shoots the Dark Jedi, who then falls down, and stops the spell, he then shoots the others and chucks a bomb,
Thire: Bye!
The bomb explodes, and the room caves in, and kills them all, but Apel grabs thire and escapes, but then a rock fell onto him,
Thire: Apel,
Thire shoots the rock, and pulls out Apel, who then begins to burn, a hole in his amour got caught by fire with the Dark Jedis Force Fire trick, and burns up, and begins to melt the ice that they are sat on, it begins to crack into peices, and then he gets seperated from Apel, and then he places down a flag, and sets it on fire,
Scene 5: Base
Thire appears in the base, on the teleport pad, and begins to laugh, and a blue glow comes from his eyes, then fades off, he pulls out his gun and shoots at the controls, and all the clones point guns at him
Thire: I blocked your weapon system!
Jako: Your Attacks are all blocked!
Kamorik: 5
Jako: What...
Kamorik: 3
Jako: Wha..
Kamorik: 1!
A Bomb exploded under Jako, the sheilds disabled, the guns snapped and Jako fell unconsious.
Kamorik: Shove him into the Geonosis Power supply, then make it minimum power, then destroy the controls.
Thire: Yes General.
Scene 2: Illum
Later on that week, Thire had been given some new troops, and got Commando Training under Commando Apel, and they had been given a task to eliminate the forces in Ilum, which were trying to destroy it so the jedi lost the lightsaber crystals.
Thire: Apel, There is minor Force Activity in the caves, when it has been force feilded, i think that a Dark Jedi has got threw,
The Temple suddenly began to collapse, the bleeping on the scanner stopped and then a mushroom cloud of fire and smoke left the temple, and fireballs headed in all direction, and one was heading at the Ship for Thire, Apel and there squad,
Apel: Jump Thire!
Thire and Apel Jump as the fireball burns up the ship, trapping them.
Thire: We have lost our Coms Units, and our transport, and there is still another unprotected temple,
Apel: We need to get there but its on the other side of the planet,
Thire: Ill flag the area, and then we can get the flag by the other troops, who set up the force feild.
Apel: Fire!
Thire ignites the Flag and grabs it, and Apel grabs it aswell, they vanish,
Scene 4: Ilum pad
Thire and Apel Run out of a small sheilded off pad, and look up, they see the temple, and then see a door, and walk in, they then see a band off hooded figures, who turn, and send lightning into Apel, who then activates a sheild and the sheild reflects it into the figures, and one of them screams and begins to burn up.
Apel: Dark Jedi,
The fire like from the other temple starts, and then Apel gets hit, and falls down, Thire screams and shoots the Dark Jedi, who then falls down, and stops the spell, he then shoots the others and chucks a bomb,
Thire: Bye!
The bomb explodes, and the room caves in, and kills them all, but Apel grabs thire and escapes, but then a rock fell onto him,
Thire: Apel,
Thire shoots the rock, and pulls out Apel, who then begins to burn, a hole in his amour got caught by fire with the Dark Jedis Force Fire trick, and burns up, and begins to melt the ice that they are sat on, it begins to crack into peices, and then he gets seperated from Apel, and then he places down a flag, and sets it on fire,
Scene 5: Base
Thire appears in the base, on the teleport pad, and begins to laugh, and a blue glow comes from his eyes, then fades off, he pulls out his gun and shoots at the controls, and all the clones point guns at him
Thire: I blocked your weapon system!
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