The team pulled out there pistols, and shot at the judoon, it hit the judoons eye, and knocked it unconsious, then they leapt onto the other judoon and Gwen shoved a dagger into its heart. On the Sontaran Space Ship, Jack Gasped, and pulled out the wire, and shoved it into the sontarans probic vents, and knocked them both out, then he opened up the comlink. "Ma-ho!" He shouted. "Fa-Wah!" The judoon replied, "Ho-Do-Yo-Spo-Juo?" Jack shouted, and closed the link. He phasered the sontarans into the antartic ocean, then phasered into the Hub.
Gwen and Owen, had Grabbed Gr-as F'is phaser, and Gwen started teleporting the others out, then herself. At the Hub they all landed on the floor, and then jack Teleported in, Followed By Gr'as F'i, Who then ripped off a cover on his phaser, and pressed a button, and 9 more appeared. "Take them to the void!" Gr'as Said, then Owen roared. Weevils ran in from the basement and attacked, and graske shot them, they fell into dust, and Jack Shot down a graske, Then, the Team Grabbed phasers and teleported out.
They landed by the pavement slab, and ran from the slab. Graske came up from it, followed by more, and then another 50 teleported from nowhere, and began shooting innocent people, The Team Ran, and Shot down 3 more graske, then A sontaran ship flew Down, with judoon ships. "The Shadow proclamations Secret force..." Jack said to the team, "The sontarans have found a way in, and now they are abusing there power!" Jack finished, and they shot at some more graske, 10 sontarans ran out of the ship, and the ship blew up. The Judoon had Shot it Down, and shot down 7 sontarans, who then shot at some of the Judoon, and Jack shot at there necks. They fell down, and a fire in the probic vent went and burnt up the Sontaran Troops.
The Graske Forces had now surrounded Torchwood, and then The judoon Teleported them to the moon. Gr'as F'i Walked up to the judoon, and Zapped them, as torchwood pulled up there Guns, and machine gunned some troops down, and jack used his vortex manipulator to send the torchwood team back to Cardiff, and they quickly pulled up a pavement slab and chucked in a bomb. They ran as Graske Teleported in, and shot down buildings, passerbys tried to fight them but then got burnt into dust, "This is impossible!" Jack shouted, as he shot at the graske with his machine gun, since there was still only 200 left, and they detonated the bomb, and then took down 50 more, Mickey shot at the leader, and then got shot, jack grabbed the leaders gun and pressed undo, and then called in UNIT. "Unit, We are way higher than you, the government and police but... we need help..." Jack said, and UNIT teleported in, with stolen Sontaran teleports. "Project indigo is functional. Destroy the graske!" The UNIT commander ordered. and shot at the graske but then got pulled into the void.
Gr'as F'i was laughing as he took down more humans, then he ran to Mickey, and leapt on his back, and climbed up his Neck, then another 2 graske grabbed at mickeys feet, Gr'as F'i flicked a switch on his phaser, and shot at a unit trooper, the trooper gasped and then slumped, then he fired into mickey, who slowly went unconsious, Jack then ran up to him and Gr'as F'i looked up, and Jack raised his pistol, and shot Gr'as F'i, and then used a phaser on him. Gr'as F'i had been teleported to the other side of the world, defensless and injured. And he stumbled around, before he collapsed and was dying by a Pool.
Torchwood had Forced unit to clear the area, and then grenaded down the last graske. They ran to mickey, who had a dead Graske slumped over him. "The glove..." he whispered, and then fell unconsious. "He wants the ressurection glove?" Owen said, "Francine!" Everyone shouted, and Jack ran to the Little Fortune Teller girl who was convineantly stood watching the whole time. "the glove is..." she said and gave jack 3 cards. a picture of a knight, a tower and a glove. He turned round, and saw the waterfall tower. They had recently built knight statue there. And Jack then pulled the arm off and threw it to francine.
Francine put the glove on and touched Mickey. Mickey then woke up, and punched francine, who started to look older. "I meant we need it on Ianto, he had secrets we needed to know, kill me!" Mickey said, and shot himself in the foot. Later, in the hub they woke up Ianto, "Whos she, if shes my 80 yr old replacement fire her!" Ianto shouted. Francine chucked the glove at jack and walked off, and slowly slumped over, just as she was walking out of the autopsy room, she fell down and landed on the floor and fell unconsious. "Its draining her power!" Ianto laughed, "Thats why we chose her!" Mickey said, "Oh, I realised, that Gr'as F'i, this little midgit dude, graske, there boss, might have a crystal, I noticed some graske in a quarry, so find the graske. find there leader and kill him." Ianto said. "And also, you must place them around the doom crystal, before it awakes abbadon. Then just tell him that AAARRRGHHH!" Ianto said, and died. The team walked off. "Helpfull!" Jack said sarcasticaly. "I heard that!" Ianto shouted, "Owen.2!" Mickey laughed, but Owen punched him.
Later They were chasing a blowfish, jack shot down the SUV window and fired at the tires, the car stopped and drove into a tree. then it glowed, jack ran upto it, and found a graske inside the car, eating the fish "Jack?!" it shouted, and fired his phaser, and jack slumped. The team machine gunned at the car, then tons of graske appeared, Jack revived and chucked a bomb down onto the floor, it blew up the street, and then the graske fell down, Jack then ripped the Gr'as F'is head off, and ran back to the SUV, "Whole of Cardiff has been sealled off now we fought off the graske! This is a code 200!" Jack said, "NO!" Ianto shouted. "Whats that Jack?!" Gwen shouted. "A code 200 is when there has been a problem in the hub for 45 or more minutes, and now that there has been a problem around the Hub area, for 45 minutes, with the same people slash species it can be destroyed!" Ianto said, and they ran back to the plass, and saw a Torchwood 2 helicopter land. "Cpt, Your Fired!" a man in a helmet said, pulling off his helmet. "Andy?!" Jack shouted, "And we have earn permission to execute your team for destruction of landmarks." Andrew pulled out a pistol, "Good bye!" he laughed, "MR BOND!" Ianto laughed, and kicked Andrew in the neck, "Sorry Andrew Bond!" Jack said, and they dragged him onto the slab, while jack pulled the explosives they would use to destroy the hub into Andrews helicopter, and drove it up, He slabbed the explosives onto the wall then pressed the explode button, the helicopter exploded, and jack fell down onto the slab, and died for the 4000th time.
Owen was tying Andy to the Autopsy Table, and Jack had a Gun on the table ready to shoot at Andrew. "Jack, I am sorry!" Andrew shouted. "Who is he?" Owen asked, "He works for Torchwood 2, and he slaughtered my old team and me, then apparently killed himself, but the last was only a red paintball pellet, and he snuck off to Torchwood 2, pretending it was the weevils." Jack explained, "Ok, I am sorry, I want to work under your command again!" He shouted, and Jack put a small plaster on his arm, "That will explode if I command it too! you have a second chance!" Jack shouted and shot at the straps on Andy.

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