Scene 1: Ship
Jako: Your Attacks are all blocked!
Kamorik: 5
Jako: What...
Kamorik: 3
Jako: Wha..
Kamorik: 1!
A Bomb exploded under Jako, the sheilds disabled, the guns snapped and Jako fell unconsious.
Kamorik: Shove him into the Geonosis Power supply, then make it minimum power, then destroy the controls.
Thire: Yes General.
Scene 2: Illum
Later on that week, Thire had been given some new troops, and got Commando Training under Commando Apel, and they had been given a task to eliminate the forces in Ilum, which were trying to destroy it so the jedi lost the lightsaber crystals.
Thire: Apel, There is minor Force Activity in the caves, when it has been force feilded, i think that a Dark Jedi has got threw,
The Temple suddenly began to collapse, the bleeping on the scanner stopped and then a mushroom cloud of fire and smoke left the temple, and fireballs headed in all direction, and one was heading at the Ship for Thire, Apel and there squad,
Apel: Jump Thire!
Thire and Apel Jump as the fireball burns up the ship, trapping them.
Thire: We have lost our Coms Units, and our transport, and there is still another unprotected temple,
Apel: We need to get there but its on the other side of the planet,
Thire: Ill flag the area, and then we can get the flag by the other troops, who set up the force feild.
Apel: Fire!
Thire ignites the Flag and grabs it, and Apel grabs it aswell, they vanish,
Scene 4: Ilum pad
Thire and Apel Run out of a small sheilded off pad, and look up, they see the temple, and then see a door, and walk in, they then see a band off hooded figures, who turn, and send lightning into Apel, who then activates a sheild and the sheild reflects it into the figures, and one of them screams and begins to burn up.
Apel: Dark Jedi,
The fire like from the other temple starts, and then Apel gets hit, and falls down, Thire screams and shoots the Dark Jedi, who then falls down, and stops the spell, he then shoots the others and chucks a bomb,
Thire: Bye!
The bomb explodes, and the room caves in, and kills them all, but Apel grabs thire and escapes, but then a rock fell onto him,
Thire: Apel,
Thire shoots the rock, and pulls out Apel, who then begins to burn, a hole in his amour got caught by fire with the Dark Jedis Force Fire trick, and burns up, and begins to melt the ice that they are sat on, it begins to crack into peices, and then he gets seperated from Apel, and then he places down a flag, and sets it on fire,
Scene 5: Base
Thire appears in the base, on the teleport pad, and begins to laugh, and a blue glow comes from his eyes, then fades off, he pulls out his gun and shoots at the controls, and all the clones point guns at him
Thire: I blocked your weapon system!

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In 5 months, we have only had 3 authors, and 2 who i invited, so we are still hireing, you get a free 'Ive submitted' badge for your website, and added to my BFFB Awards, (Closing Date 1st of Jan), so for more information on how to submit, and win the BFFB Awards and get the prize and get the submitted badge (and a animated one if its for the awards) please look under the archives at the side. Thank you.
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