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Even though it says we are on 42 posts, and i say its 49, it is because there is actually 49. Some of them are hidden bonuses. if you submit you get one of them. and a prize.


In 5 months, we have only had 3 authors, and 2 who i invited, so we are still hireing, you get a free 'Ive submitted' badge for your website, and added to my BFFB Awards, (Closing Date 1st of Jan), so for more information on how to submit, and win the BFFB Awards and get the prize and get the submitted badge (and a animated one if its for the awards) please look under the archives at the side. Thank you.

PS; Even if you think everyone else will do it so it wont matter if you do, what if they dont?!

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Torchwood XC E2 P2

The Team of Mickey, Francine, Jack, Owen, Gwen and 5 weevils went to chiswick, and arrived at the location, and jack realised, "This is DoctorDonnas house!?!" and gasped, and Wilf ran out, "Torchwood, Its those Things! like the prime minister!" and then a poison dart hit his neck, the house burnt up, and saw slyvia, with Raxocoricallfallapitorian arms and head, then finally, the body, "We got rid of the skin suit!" She laughed, then Francine sniffed, and laughed. "you noob is pwned!" then threw a pile of chips at the thing, and it exploded, and the neck peice fell down, jack grabbed it, and opened the pink hatch on the front, and pulled out a small box, and opened it. Then, a ticking sound started, and jack realised what it was. "Someone has sent this to distract us, then raid the Hub, and kill us!" and then it exploded, it knocked down all the buildings in Chiswick, and almost everyone died, but the team stood up. "Time locked!" Laughed Jack, then they walked out, but it broke the time lock and the explosion blasted them down.

The team were only unconsious, as it was only the echoe of the blast, and then the box opened, and they saw a figure, and then it faded into Bilis Manger,

"Hello, Torchwood, You stopped Abbadon. Idiots. As my revenge I have spread the doom crystal into 7 parts, and it has now magnatised, the EMP magnet has sucked it into the Hub, and it will unleash Abbadon for the Final Time, and, your mission if you want to or not, is to stop me. and the box will explode in a second Francine." then the box blew up and killed francine, then a shard slowly flew in the direction of the hub, and jack jumped up and grabbed it, then shot it with his webber pistol, and shoved the remains into the box, which kept blowing up.

Back at the Hub the team saw the Doom crystal, and laughed, since they had destroyed the last peice of it. Mickey Gasped.
"that was a trick, he knew that jack would get that peice, and then destroy it, so that we would come back here and bin the crystal, so he placed a bomb in the base, to raid it, like jack said, it was a trick inside a trick inside a trick to blow us up!" Mickey shouted, "Stay here. he'll think well run, and the platform will explode after a short time limit." Gwen realised, and they turned, a laser shot up the platform, and it began to burn down the hub "And he knew you'd say that Gwen, so now were dead. Francine, Defence plan 8, We want coffee." Jack said,

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