At the Hub, The Team had located a rift splutter in the hub basement, and they quickly ran there. they pulled out there pistols and looked, a weevil had came there from a rift splutter, and owen roared at it, and it cowered, then the team shot it to death. "This place has got sheilds from rift attacks, so that wasnt just sent her by accident," Gwen said, and looked under the weevil, and saw some ashes, "Thats teleport excess!" Jack shouted, "That was sent her as a diversion for someone to come in..." "Intruder Window..." Owen laughed, and pointed up the stairs, and they saw a graske climb in from a window. "Since when did we have windows..." Jack said. "Just a terrible comic attempt." Owen said, and they fired at the graske, and ran up, the graske faded out. "A hologram!" Mickey said, and they returned to the hub.
The pterodactyl was flying around the Hub, and they were looking at the computer screens. Then a face appeared on the screen, "SONTARAN!" Jack shouted, and the Sontaran laughed. "So, Commander... wrong signal. Bye!" and it vanished, Jack unplugged the phaser, and fired at himself.
He saw 3 sonatarans, stood round a screen, and he snuck up behind them, and looked at the screen, "Mo-ho-s-klo!" a voice from the screen shouted, "MA-HO!" A sontaran replied, and a troop turned round and shot at jack, who identified them as judoon before he fell down.
The hub had hacked into the cam system and watched, they saw a sontaran shoot jack and he fell down. "Judoon." Owen said, "Ma-ho General Lyox. Ho-Jo-Ma-Do!" the judoon commander shouted. "Ha-Ho! Ma-He-Po-ho!" The sontaran replied, and then his screen flickered off, and the Judoon screen faded off. "Ive translated that, it was, Thank you General Lyox, Our Graske are ready. Then Lyox said Yes Thanks, we are preparing for... then it cut off." Mickey said, then there was a boom, and they turned round, and Saw Gr'as F'i and 2 Judoon, and The Graske Shot his phaser at torchwood, and they landed in a desert. "Ma-Ho-Jo!" The judoon shouted, and the graske nodded. "Torchwood. Crime: Destructions of species. Sentence: Execution!" The Graske laughed.

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In 5 months, we have only had 3 authors, and 2 who i invited, so we are still hireing, you get a free 'Ive submitted' badge for your website, and added to my BFFB Awards, (Closing Date 1st of Jan), so for more information on how to submit, and win the BFFB Awards and get the prize and get the submitted badge (and a animated one if its for the awards) please look under the archives at the side. Thank you.
PS; Even if you think everyone else will do it so it wont matter if you do, what if they dont?!
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