Weeks Later, The Team had noticed that Unusual Amounts of Rift energy were being spitted out at a Quarry in south wales, and Mickey and Owen Were sent to investigate, because most of the workers had vanished, but some had slipped while running from something. "Abandonned Quarrys, people with guns and torches... I am guessing that this will turn into a predictable shoot them up with aliens after someone falls down a ed..." Mickey said, and fell down a edge, Owen Jumped, and pulled out his pistol, and saw a small thing, with a head that looked like a orange man with a jokers hat burnt into him, "Graske!" Owen shouted, Mickey climbed up, and a orange beam flashed into him and he vanished, and Owen looked round, and saw a Graske with a Red phaser and orange arm strap on his arm, and 3 more, with red arm straps walked behind him. The Orange strap pointed at Owen, and the others nodded, and pulled out there phasers, and Owen pulled out his gun. They shot, Owen knocked down the leader, and ducked, and 3 rocks got teleported.
The SUV was racing a Van down the M4 motorway, and Jack was sticking his head out the window, and was machine gunning the vans tires, The van stopped, and the back doors slammed open, and Weevils ran out, "Gwen, knock them down!" Jack Shouted, firing at the weevils, he got in and the SUV slammed into the weevils, and then Jack leapt out and shot at the wheels, and ran to the driver, "No Weevil Export, you cannot escape torchwood." Jack said to the man, who jumped out the window and kicked jack in the nose, and the driver grabbed his gun. Jack pulled out his Webber, and they both fired, but the webbers bullet bounced off the other and into a tree, and the drivers hit jacks leg, Jack fired another and fell down. The driver was hit in the arm, and Gwen put him into the SUV with the Dead Weevils, Francine Got out of the SUV, and grabbed the mans pistol, "Jack, I quit!" She shouted, and shot herself in the head.
Mickey woke up, he was in a small pod, and he grabbed his pistol from the floor, and shot at the window, it smashed, he climbed out, and saw tons of graske running about, and he stepped back in, and fired at some control panels, and a Orange Strap got hit by the blast, it ignited his armour, and then Mickey ran up to a teleport chamber, and was about to press a button but got zapped to the cell again, and then he chucked a gas bomb, and put the graskes orange strap round his mouth, while the Graskes choked, then he ran to the teleports, and went out. He landed back in the quarry, and saw Owen with a phaser, and he was finishing off the last 2 graske, because he had got the orange strap captive in there van, and used his phaser to send back another one. Mickey ran up to him, and threw them both onto the ground, and they saw another Squad behind them, with green straps. "Commandos!" Mickey shouted, and ran upto them, and they pulled out there phasers, Mickey decided to chuck a rock at them, and took down 1 of them, and grabbed there gun, and shot at it, and it got sent back.
The Graske General was watching on a screen. "Humans! Take there planet into the void!" it roared angrily as Mickey and Owen Sent back forces.
Owen grabbed the Graskes Squad Captain, and tied it up. "Mickey, go into the Graske planet, find out what they want!" he shouted, and mickey grabbed the leaders phaser, and looked at the control panel, and set it to Command Room. And fired into his head.
The Graske General was flicking switches, preparing Earths destruction, and then Mickey Appeared. "Human!" Graske General Shouted. "Shut up midgit!" he replied, and then fired at the doors control panel and then The graske Generals controls. "Ok, Midgit, what do you want?!" He shouted, as the doors slammed down. "You Humans must be destroyed!" It replied, "Whatever, but why." Mickey shouted, "Revenge! UNIT and Torchwood have took down our main forces on Griffoth, so we have made a rift leak in Wales to get near to torchwood, and destroy them!" the Graske Shouted, then Captain Jack appeared, and grabbed a phaser from the table, and fired at mickey. "Graske, We command you to lea... Oh, Hi, General Gr'as F'i!" Jack shouted. "Torchwood!" The general replied, "We are taking your planet into the void!" Gr'as Shouted, "No! it was not us who took your planet into the void, it was the Doctor, and now your his enemies, your enemys of torchwood, and for the Doctor, I am destroying you!" Jack shouted, and pulled down a big lever and slammed a button, then a siren started, and the room got a red glow. then the entire Space ship imploded Jack Screamed, and shot himself with the phaser.
The Team were at the Quarry, and then the workers appeared, and then there was a small explosion in the sky, then Jack appeared, and rolled down a edge. The team ran down, and looked at him, he had teleported out of being murdered by the explosion. Miles Away in a abbadoned ware house, 10 graske teleported in, Gr'as F'i then teleported in last, and looked at the quarry from miles away, and Screamed, and jumped up and down angrily.

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